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FreeMars Game (Sid Meier's Colonization + Civilization 2 Mars scenario + SMAC)

FreeMars Game (Sid Meier's Colonization + Civilization 2 Mars scenario + SMAC)
Anyone here played the FreeMars fan game project? As a big fan of FreeCiv and FreeCol I’m shocked that I didn’t know about this game too! I grew up playing Sid Meier’s Colonization and the Mars scenario in Civilization 2 so someone combining these 2 things together into a standalone game is just a brilliant idea! Also has some slight Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri influences there as well I think but it mostly feels like Sid Meier’s Colonization but on Mars!
Someone sent it to me in response to my ongoing search for Colonization and Mars Scenario Mods (among many other cool mods) for all the Civilization games and thought I was seeing things lol! I downloaded it and tried it out and have been addictively playing it all day every day since (thankfully I’m holidays lol). Very impressive and it’s fully playable as I was able to complete the game however sadly it’s a bit unfinished as a number of missing features made it hard for me to enjoy the late game, but the early game was super fun! You get to choose between all these different sized Mars maps (or randomly generate your own) and can have up to 16 nations in the game all with their own interesting advantages. Mars appears to be partially terraformed in the game as there’s grassy plains and plantations of forests and giant mushrooms bread to survive there that you can harvest. Other than some useless swamps there’s no oceans so you’ll be using big space freighters instead of sailing ships that go into orbit and fly between Mars and Earth to trade goods. Instead of the usual Civ unknown village huts or Col lost cities offering random treasure to your scouts in FreeMars you get asteroid and crashed satellite debris appearing all over the map for you to pick up resources from, they’ll keep coming too so it’s good to have lots of scouts all over the map hunting for treasure lol. City managing is very very similar to Col except instead of dragging around little workers representing communities, you can instead allocate the communities themselves using slider bars (eg put 100 people on food harvesting and put 50 people in this factory etc) which feels strange at first but is actually pretty cool once you get used to it as it leads to more player customization and strategy, plus some parts can be automated to save time. Just like your greedy King in Colonization, Earth will keeping raising taxes and building up a expeditionary force to quell any uprisings so you’ll need to build your own army of futuristic soldiers and mechs to fight back when the time comes for independence! (makes me think of The Expanse tv show) Earth also sends you all these expansion based missions to keep you busy, which some might appear daunting but I didn’t have any trouble completing them way before their deadlines.
As previously mentioned the game is unfinished but I was amazed by the lack of bugs I encountered as the game didn’t even crash once on me! The AIs will expand and build their empires however it doesn’t seem to attack, trade or interact with you in any way sadly. Also I’ve seen the dev post about a number of colony buildings yet to be implemented such as top tier energy and water production, and yeah boy are they needed. I had to rush to independence before my civ collapsed in on itself from too many people and not enough food and water lol. The war of independence was fun much like in Col as dropships will put Earth troops, mechs and tanks around your empire and you’ll have to fight them off to win the game! The game supports other win conditions too such as sending all your Mars rival nations to oblivion or achieving a certain amount of resources but obviously independence is the one all us Col players go for haha.
As for extras there's no multiplayer that I can see sadly but just like FreeCol and FreeCiv it does come with a map editor which means someone could probably make a true mars map at some point as I've seen some good attempts at geographically correct ones made for Civ games over the years.
The game hasn’t been worked on since late 2019 so hopefully it’s not dead. The sourceforge forum looks quiet too, so it would be sad if a game with such great potential and has come so far ends up abandoned due to lack of fan interest help and support. I might see if I can contact the author to see how it’s all going!
Project site: https://sourceforge.net/projects/freemars/
Screenshots from my test game:
Selecting my nation
We have arrived!
Trading with Earth
Managing a colony
My growing empire and Mars orbit view
The war of independence rages on, I'm surrounded on all sides!
submitted by Blakeley00 to ColonizationGame [link] [comments]

New Tunes Alert! All new releases listed in another huge week for D&B, with every subgenre you can imagine [+weekly updated Spotify playlist] | New Music Monday! (Week 50)

Weekly updated Spotify Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass
Retroactive Spotify Playlist (1-4week old tracks) **H2L: Retroactive New DnB
Soundcloud Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Soundcloud
Youtube Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Youtube
Last Week's list http://reddit.com/k8fndo

Picks Of The Week (by u/lefuniname)

1. V O E - Where You Belong [ProtoCode]

Recommended if you like: Magnetude, Memtrix, Koven
Told ya I'd soon talk about V O E some more!
I usually try to avoid covering an artist multiple times, especially twice in a row. Sometimes there are exceptions though. For example when an artist releases a track I've been looking for for months. Or when I've looped the Beatport preview of a track as soon as it was released and literally jumped when I saw that it was uploaded on YouTube. Or when a great track is produced by an artist I've come to love over the last few weeks and that I hadn't gotten around to covering properly yet. In case it wasn't obvious: all of these apply to V O E - Where You Belong.
V O E is an Adelaide-based duo comprised of Tevlo and CARZi. It all started when CARZI invited Tevlo for an interview on the local radio show she was hosting at the time because she really liked one of his tracks. On Fresh 92.7 to be specific, for those few Aussies in the crowd here. In said interview Tevlo gave some great anecdotes and provided incredibly witty banter, like that he apparently started playing around with production when he was just 11 years old. That's how I imagine it at least, I couldn't find the interview anywhere. That 11 year old part is true though, if his Spotify profile is to be trusted. However, he did mention in that interview that while he was doing fine on his own jumping from electronic genre to electronic genre with his trusty Keytar in hand and his own silky voice providing the vocals, he was more or less desperately searching for another vocalist to collaborate with. Since she had spent the last 10 years on stage as a singer, CARZi cheekily suggested herself, the end result of that was their first collaboration Armour.
The next few months they "accidentally" (direct quote here) created another 8 tracks in the studio and they realized they needed a kickass name to go with this new group. With the help of a friend who was playing a lot of League Of Legends at the time, they decided on Vision Of Empire, or V O E.
If I had to describe their sound succinctly, I would say I can't do it. Take a teaspoon of Pendulum, one part Koven, one tablespoon of Memtrix, one part Evanescence and mix it together with a large and healthy portion of Neurofunk and you get V O E. Okay that sounds a bit messy, let me explain. The instrumentals often feature some electric guitars with some sweet sweet creative Neuro basses and grooves, but that's not even close to all of it. Sometimes dancefloor (Let You In, Giants), sometimes liquid (Not Thinking Straight with Telomic), sometimes just unique as hell (Fall). That's just their instrumentals though, what pushes them over the top are their incredible vocals. Both CARZi and Tevlo lend their voices for the project and I can't stress enough how much of a fun and unique experience this combination results in. Sometimes Tevlo raps, sometimes he sings, sometimes just CARZi sings, sometimes they both sing, the possibilities are endless. And their voices work so well together too! Some of my favorite parts of the songs are when both voices are layered on top of each other, I will never get enough of that.
That versatility helped them earn releases on Global League, Liquicity, Blackout and just last week NCS in just two years. And that isn't even close to the end of it. In the next few weeks releases on Viper, RAM, and Liquicity again will be following. They also didn't just win the Build And Track 2.0 competition with Giants, they also won third place in Black Sun Empire's Driving Insane Remix competition, which means they'll also be part of the finished remix album, earning them yet another Blackout release. They're in the process of steamrolling the scene and I'm so here for it.
Okay, but why am I telling you all of this? Because they've got a new track out. And oh boy, you are not ready. But maybe I'm just projecting here, because I sure as hell wasn't ready, even with all preview looping. This new scorcher of a track is called Where You Belong and 1000% belongs in the "straight up neurofunk banger" category of V O E releases.
It starts off with an eery atmospheric intro that puts you in the right headspace for what's about to follow. This track features Tevlo on the vocals, whose lyrics and general attitude perfectly complements the atmosphere the track is going for. His lyrical persona is directly addressing an unknown apparently long forgotten person that at first might seem like just any old friend or partner, but as soon as the titular "I can only hope that you found where you belong" hits, the suspicion that this has a more sinister background starts to creep in. And that's exactly when the instrumental starts shifting from atmospheric eeriness to the eventual explosion of energy that is it's drop. Man, that drop. That back-and-forth between the main melody and the overwhelming neuro bass blowing everything to pieces haunts me in my dreams, in a good way. After a short half time full-on assault on your senses breakdown the track goes straight back to the back-and-forth to smash the remaining pieces of your head in.
During all this Tevlo's singing already becomes more hostile and this development culminates with his rapped verse in the buildup of the second drop, where the resentment really seeps through a lot. The angrier he sounds, the angrier the instrumental seems to get too. Depending on which version you are listening to (Club Mix, Radio, Extended), the track now either goes straight back to the full dnb drop or blasts you with some half time goodness before going back. Either way, it bangs.
All in all: I love it.

2. The Rest

Recommended if you like: Quick round-ups of releases
This weekend I didn't really have a lot of time to properly prepare more full reviews than the V O E one, so I opted for a quick overview of what I'd consider the most important releases of this week, or as others might call it: Stuff I liked from this week.


Starting off with Liquid! My main big liquid release of this week has got to be the Future Sight EP by the latest Integral mystery signing Tatora. Very much an Integral vibe all the way through, very much recommended. Favorites are Faded and the Perspective Shift collab Broken Hearted. For some more very nice floaty vibes you can also check out Elixr's newest single All Night, an up-and-coming liquid artist I urge all you liquid lovers to check out. Speaking of liquid newcomers, this week also saw the release of Alpha Rhythm's sophomore EP on Celsius, the Everfrost EP. A vibe and a half.


Let's change gears into Dancefloor. The biggest dancefloor-esque release of this week is probably the Ram Trilogy remix album Revolutions LP. With remixes from the likes of InsideInfo (multiple ones at that!), Andy C, SyRan and Levela, this one is both stacked and promises a lot of different takes on the original legendary tracks. While we're talking about remixes, this week also saw the release of SLANDER's Back To U remix EP with Matrix & Futurebound and Mazare representing the DnB side of things. And don't you forget about Toronto Is Broken's fun remix of Nocturnum - Silhouette! Lots of catchy goodness. RAM didn't just have the big remix album this week, they also released Culture Shock's new single Lost, from his upcoming SEQUEL album! This week has also been big for Monstercat DnB lovers, with Delta Heavy and Kayzo's Tormenta for those who crave some drumstep vibes on the one hand and Pixel Terror and Protostar collaborating on the unique genre mashup that is Andromeda on the other.


One last gear change, full spead ahead. Exactly, it's Neurofunk time. This week might not have had a lot of neuro, but the sheer quality of releases we got definitely outweighs any complaints about a too low quantity. One release that heavily contributed to that is Burr Oak's new double single Mind & Dolls on Blackout, which is both the french duo's label debut and also Blackout's 100th release ever! Prepare to be BRRR'd to death. If that somehow didn't satisfy you enough, we've also got REAPER's new track with SYN called LEVITATE that is a short but very sweet burst of energy that is sure to wake you the fuck up if you are sleepy. Lastly, we got two banging EP's from some of Russia's (and Ukraine's) finest: Teddy Killerz new Nerd Starter Pack EP on Bassrush Records and Nais' Testing Lab EP on Eatbrain. Huge stuff. Oh and one more thing: Shadow Sect collaborated with Dope D.O.D. on STFU and they included a VIP DnB remix of it (with Hallucinator) on the release that bangs quite a bit.

New Releases

submitted by TELMxWILSON to DnB [link] [comments]

Burning, Final edit, Part 3

The story continues... Part 2
I've done the Patreon thing if anyone wants to support my writing. Or drinking.
You can drop into my channel at Discord.
Burning Hatred, Queen's Gambit (Chapter 5)
CE 2970
The Swarm attacks continued. The low hanging fruit. Three worlds of the Cravan people went silent. Two of the merchant fleets of the nomadic T'wont never made it to the next destination. Slowly the Swarm carved away at the foundations of peace. The galactic institutions fell to partisan bickering. No decision could be made. Evil and aggression by both sides. No distinction between attack and defense.
The Swarm conspiracy was surprised how easily the supposed Great Powers of the galaxy were falling away. The humans had been picked as an object lesson, a typical example of the aimless Singlemind rot in the universe. Instead, they were swiftly becoming the only obstacle worth discussing. The Galactic Council was a mere sideshow to the Swarm but, unfortunately, the humans were carving a new path. Years of bribery and falsehood were wasted simply because they stood opposed. They had to go.
Earth kept warning, do not trust, prepare for attack. Some listened. Reports came to the worlds of attacks defeated or deflected. All Swarm species attacking. All singlemind worlds attacked, and always the human fleets that responded.
Covert Intelligence Orbital CE 2970
Meshant Queen, Covert Intelligence Orbital, level nine secured.
"We have much to discuss, your highness.
Can you describe what happened to you? We need the names of those that weaponized you against us and how they achieved it."
"It started simply enough. I was the Heir. I had some limited access to my people. I realized we were missing manpower and materials. The breeders were complaining about the number of drones created. I could find no trace of anything.
I should have been informed, involved. No-one would explain. I argued about my need to know. Nothing. In the end I lost patience. I had a last roll of the dice. People forget our nature. I was Heir. I confronted the old Queen.
Amongst my people, that is a fatal affair. Only when I could defeat her would I take my place. For generations, this has been an amicable affair. Parties, a swift poison when the Queen felt the time was right to pass on the honour. Civil."
The Queen paused, confessing a weakness.
"All our people are tied together, but the size of the connection varies. I am closer to Generals than shopkeepers. When two queens step too close together, the connection is unbearable. One must die. I slaughtered her. Young and angry, slighted. I started my reign in blood."
"And in blood it continued. A delegation from some of our allies arrived, welcoming my ascension to the throne. They brought gifts. I ignored them. I found my people on a new world, unnamed, millions of soldiers, thousands of ships.
All the materials for a war I didn't know we were involved in. I stopped it. I began sending the soldiers home for retraining. I stopped building ships and sent my engineers home.
Finally I agreed to meet these allies. They told me of the great work the previous Queen had done for the cause. How it was time to reclaim our place in the galaxy and end the singlebrain infestation. I may have been young and angry, but I know what genocide is. Sending my people to endless bloody murder in the name of purity.
My authority is absolute. No treaties bind me unless I choose. Now I understand why they welcomed a Queen bathed in blood. They thought I rejoiced in the old ways. I repudiated them.
Don't ask me for battle until you have washed the blood from your own hands. My hands will never be clean. This was not what I wanted for my people.
They were very understanding. Very amicable. They carried no weapons, I was in the heart of my palace, safe. I thought. They asked to present the gifts. That obscenity you ripped from my skin was the first.
All Swarm species have developed technologies to hide their thoughts or conceal their position. This creation warped all communications with my people. It wouldn't last and they knew it. I was dying the moment they inflicted it on me. They used my voice to send everyone to attack your planet, Aristotle. To begin the Holy war. At no cost to themselves. I was so young. As time passed, I learned much about my powers. I learned I could cut my people off. I couldn't save them but I could let them die with honour. I could kill them myself.
I created a loop of time for them. Only a couple of hours. It had to be enough. I started with the troops. Then the fleet. As I grew weaker I created one for the outer Worlds, then the system and finally the palace. Then I waited to die. I have no heir."
"I failed them. We murdered millions. In my name. Your people fell at my hand. The responsibility is mine. I ask only that you allow me to create an heir, that we do not fall from the universe. Then I will accept your judgement."
She began writing. "Here is the list of every cursed species that destroyed my people. May you find justice for our dead."
A very subdued Intel officer took the paper. He regarded the strange creature in front of him. Before she had spoken, he would have killed it out of hand.
It was easy to forget that virtue is not only a human trait. That honour exists out in the dark, that life brings pain and disaster to all. A quote from the dark days of man said it well "All men will withstand adversity. If you want to see their true nature, give them power."
Still the Human fleets were out there, standing guard. The moment reports came in they moved to investigate. Sometimes they got there in time, sometimes not.
Human Defense Fleet Headquarters CE 2970
Intelligence Committee
Defense Minister
"The attacks are escalating. As far as we can see some Swarm species are on the offensive, others are supplying ships and weapons while protesting their innocence."
Office of Military Intelligence
"Minister, the Meshant Queen has been very useful. We have a list of nine of the enemies that planned this. We know we face more than that, but it's a place to start. I will point out that we are seriously outnumbered. We cannot go on the offensive against these numbers. We will win battles and lose the war."
"Do we trust her?"
"In the very strong opinion of my officers, yes. We lost a planet and a fleet. She lost everything. She is very clear about whose side she's on. She wants justice or revenge. Or both. I would like to allow her request to create an heir. At least we can prevent one genocide."
"Fine. Continue to interrogate her. I want strike plans on these bastards. Assassins, full war, whatever. Make plans. We need to prevent this from growing."
Human Offensive Squad one, live feed
Nine squads went out. They weren't expecting to come back. This was revenge, nothing more. They carried nanoparticles banned throughout human space. This was the Oberon project except it didn't wait for you to die. It ripped your arm off and beat you to death with it.
Approaching Target One.
Dispersing Nanoparticles.
Heavy resistance. Evading.
Approaching Designated building.
No targets. Repeat. No targets.
Moving to support HOS two.
HOS Two, live feed
"Planet derelict, no life signs. Abandoned. Returning to base. Discharging cargo."
Human Defense Headquarters
Defense Minister
"We found no-one. Every capital planet was empty of any leadership. This is a bust. Also the Swarm Worlds are accusing us of mass murder. They have a point, since we have sterilised nine capital worlds. Perhaps it will slow them down. They are shattering any hope of a strong alliance with other singlemind species.
Not that we have had many offers. We need to find where they went. The galactic government is useless. In the meantime we are going on the defensive. Pull back into human space, continue the build up. We can't save them all. We will, however, save ourselves."
The sort of software condemned by generations of government was deployed. Over one hundred deep space systems were erased from official knowledge. Navigation systems denied their existence. History ignored them. They returned to the dark. The nanites went to work, Human Dark Space gradually filling up, far from any potential extermination.
Department of Alien Affairs, Earth
The human government agencies continued enacting long-forgotten plans, laid down in secret, titled ‘In-The-Event-Of...,’ or similar. Mankind's fear of the dark, its bitter past and powerful imagination was taking them in some strange directions.
"Sir, are we really going to start abducting aliens? It seems, I don't know, just wrong. Creepy."
"Look, we can replace their planets. We cannot replicate millions of years of evolution and culture. Grab them and their biome, get them onto the dark planets and apologize. Do you really want to lose them? We don't need many, maybe seven thousand of each. Just do it."
Burning, Eyes wide (Chapter 6)
Alexander system, Alexander moon
CE 3160
Titania landed. On the grey dirt of the moon lay a new Hab. Bigger. Much, much bigger. This was an armory, barracks and shipbuilders, all in one.
"Calum, are you expecting a population increase? This seems excessive for one person. I am unable to create a new life. I understand that humans require a partner for that."
Calum tried to find the least embarrassing way to end this conversation.
"My aim is not reproduction. I am building a fully equipped fleet. You will Captain it and I will Admiral it. Those may not be the correct terms. I was never in the military. We are going to find my people. Fuck anyone who gets in the way."
The Titania asked " You expect conflict? My ethical parameters forbid aggression. I cannot be responsible for the death of others."
This was the crux. Mankind had rejoiced when the first AI had become sentient, but every time they had turned out to be better people than Humans.
Unfortunately, they were crushed by the complexity of organic life, by the petty lies, the compromises, the messiness of the real world. Some survived, some asked to return to non-sentience. Most just eventually turned themselves off.
"Why don't you examine the parameters I designed for the AI. See what you can agree too. If it's too much, I will return you to the Res Hab, no questions asked."
In the boiling synapses of Titania, the complex concepts of war, self-determination, revenge, threats and counter threats waged a war with the simple precepts of a rescue AI.
"Calum, I have concluded that sometimes it is necessary to destroy in order to preserve. We are a fire-break. We will defend ourselves in order to preserve our existence. I will act in accordance with the human rules of war. I will Captain your fleet."
"Thank you. We aren't going anywhere yet. I need you to examine my designs for the stealth probes. We need to find our position. I don't want to wake anything up. As soon as one of them can find the edge of this classified bullshit then we can plan to go home."
The probes launched quietly, slipping gently into space on ion drives. If they needed to they could move quickly, but for now they glided out to space, ears open and eyes wide.
Human Defense Headquarters CE 2990,
Admiral Rancher presiding, opening address
"This war has now extended to the very edge of our space. The Swarm has continued its attacks on all singlemind worlds. At this point, we have killed eighteen different Swarm species.”
He paused at that point. Mankind had so much blood on its hands, had overturned every principle that it held dear, had crushed the liberties of its own people and extinguished species after species. All in the name of survival.
“They have killed eleven Singlemind species. Our nanoparticles have dealt permanent damage to their ability to occupy the worlds they steal. We are the last species that can face them in battle and, all things considered, win.
They are avoiding our fleets unless they massively outnumber us. Even then, they tend to run if the battle turns.
After extensive study we have finally developed a weapon based on the device used to entrap the Meshant Queen. It has taken us a long time to unravel the mystery of this type of technology. The press of war hasn't helped. Our allies are besieged.”
His audience were hardened veterans, many of whom had survived the early years of the war. They had seen worlds burn, had burned a few themselves. They regarded themselves as a cursed generation, committing acts of genocide in the name of survival. Hopefully, from this inferno would rise a better world. That seemed unlikely right now. They knew that the rest of the Galaxy, whatever they said politely, thought humans were butchers.
“Any questions?"
"Sir, are we any closer to finding these bastards?"
"No. Their leadership is far behind the battlefield. Those we found we have killed. The ability to communicate without regard to distance is their greatest asset. Our capacity for tactical response is ours. They are in for a shock. Today I am going to brief you on a project that we have been working on for twenty years. We now have a method of isolating fleets from the Swarm. Only for a few minutes. It should give us a tactical edge, one we will use to recover our allies. This war is far from over"
Within days the Human Fifteenth fleet faced the Swarm. They were heavily outnumbered. Another attack on an outlying Colony, but this time there was a new trick to play. As the Fleets engaged, a human ship released a pulse. It was calibrated to the quantum frequency of the twinned particles that the swarm used to communicate. A wave of mental static hit the swarm ships.
The Swarm leadership reeled as it pulsed down their quantum pathways. A stinging slap, direct to the most sacred capacity of the Swarm. Some shook it off, seeking to rebuild their connection quickly, others passed out and left their people bereft and alone for the first time in their lives. In the meantime, the Human Defence Force ripped through the Swarm fleet. They had hoped that this would work, praying to dead gods that this time, this time, they would crush their endless, relentless enemy. And it worked.
Fifteenth fleet, After action report
“On engaging the enemy fleet the HDF Tesla discharged her transmitters. This created a light second radius of interference, as we had hoped.
As a test, I can report complete success. The enemy were unable to respond and we encountered only automated defenses. Our ships inflicted massive damage in the time it took for the enemy to re-establish control. Either they will have to go to a system similar to ours and create singlemind crew or the leadership will have to remain within that single light second radius to keep control. Given the scale of our victory we have undertaken a deep Intel study of the enemy ships. We do not expect a counter attack at this time. I recommend we outfit as many fleets as possible with this equipment. Intel reports to follow.”
Swarm Central Command, unknown world
CE 3000
In their secure headquarters, a place so obscure that neither humans or their allies would ever find them, the Swarm were confirming some unwelcome realities. This was supposed to have been a short war, backed by complete surprise and a completely unified coalition. Instead they had lost many worlds, and the worlds they had taken were poisoned by the damned human tech.
"Our offensive has failed. The humans have reunited and reinforced their allies. There is no prospect of overcoming their fleets. Our defenses are solid. Given time, we can develop a response. For the moment they hold the high ground. I recommend a defensive stance."
Third Millennium Celebration, Senior Admiral Rancher presiding.
When the flypasts had ended, when the bands fell quiet, Rancher girded himself to speak what was, in his opinion, a load of bollocks, to the Seventy Worlds and his allies. Very well. Despite everything, perhaps humanity needed a day off and a little hope.
"Colleagues and Comrades. This is not a day I expected to see. Indeed, for many years I doubted any of us would see it. We have regained our allies, and I welcome them here today. Our space is secured, for now, but the war continues. Those that seek our death still hold many planets. We have pushed them back into the dark and we will hold. Not out of weakness, not out of fear, but because it is time for a generation to live without fear. The borders are guarded. We hold our Worlds to be safe. Our Fleets protect us. Let us celebrate this day in peace."
Senior Admiral Rancher, Fleet Command, Staff Meeting, Confidential. Human eyes only.
"Alright, I sold that pile of horseshit for the government. I need updates on the fleet build up. I want Plan Overkill in place before I retire. Make sure our friends are geared up to defend themselves, just in case this goes sideways.
I know we probably won't be around to see this work, but this war needs to end. Permanently. A constant drain on men and machines has brought down most human empires. Let's learn from history.”
"Sir, the Meshant Queen? I have seen no reports. Does she still work for us?"
"The previous Queen was executed for the attack on Aristotle. We allowed her to create an heir and the Meshant people now inhabit one of the dark worlds. The current Queen is an ally."
Meshant Capital CE 3000, Human Space (Dark)
Audience with the Meshant Queen, Ambassador (Human) Phillips attending.
"Forgive me, your highness, we have reported your death as agreed. We don't want your legacy tarnished by memories of Aristotle. I hope it will not inconvenience you."
"None of you humans can tell my age or recognise me as an individual. My people, obviously, won't say anything. I don't have to worry about spies here. Except for your excellent spyware that riddles my administration."
"I cannot confirm such things exist, your highness. I am a simple Ambassador. Such things are beyond me."
"And that is why the Swarm fears you so much. Falsehood so easily deployed. So convincing. My time amongst you has taught me well.
However, please ask for whatever you are here to ask. I'm sure the news of my death was delivered with a suitably sombre tone."
The Ambassador flinched slightly, "Our tests must continue. This war will ruin all our people if it persists. So many species are dead already. We have saved more than the Swarm will ever know, but it will take thousands of years to recover what was lost. The Swarm species we have killed are gone forever."
"I find it strange that you mourn the death of your enemies."
"Highness, we do not want this war. We do not seek to diminish the variety of life in the universe. It is not our place to send them into the dark."
"In any case, Ambassador, I agree with you. The people must be freed from the control of the Swarm. It is a death sentence for too many. We must give my people Singlemind abilities or they will die out. I have chosen for my people. Continue the tests."
Burning, Darkspace (Chapter 7)
Human Defense Force Headquarters, CE 3012. Joint Force briefing, Confidential, General Alex Pourin, Fleet Marine
"It's time to put some boots on the ground. We have secured a beachhead into occupied space. This is partly a rescue mission. The Scarv homeworld is our target."
"It is our intention to take back and hold the planet. We estimate that the enemy has around nine hundred thousand units on the battlefield. We have starved them of supplies for the last three months. They also face an Oberon three infestation. Nevertheless this will be our first major land battle against the swarm."
Admiral Senna Attica, Fleet Command
"We have full control of the system space. We have repelled several attempts to retake it by their ships. For now, at least, they have abandoned the attempt.
Our offensive capacity on the planet is limited by the new Swarm doctrine. They have ceased to genocide the entire population until they feel secure. They are maintaining slave populations instead. Otherwise we would just burn the planet and they know that. Welcome to Operation Blue."
"Your orders have been prepared. Go to work, people."
Assembling the largest invasion Fleet in human history took time. Supplies and support depots were established along the route.
Fallback positions established all the way back to Human space. Over two million troops needed to be equipped, fed and watered all the way there.
Fleet Command built up the transports, bringing in troops to the launch point.
Apex Tri Four Commander, Occupied Singlemind World Scarv
Situation report:
"Our capacity continues to degrade. We are taking attrition at over eleven percent across personnel and equipment. Without further support or some mechanism to disable the nanite attacks, there is no hope of improvement.
The slave population has proved pointless in production terms. They know they are condemned anyway. They damage more than they provide. However orbital attacks have ceased.
I am entrenching the troops. We are preparing for an attack. We need supplies and system support or I cannot guarantee success. The humans have not counter-attacked previously, we are unfamiliar with their doctrine."
Operation Blue, CE 3013
The 'boots on the ground' were currently plowing through the atmosphere, preceded by a barrage of fire. Nanoparticle packages known by the troops as 'God bombs' went ahead of them.
The GB's began building the RZ. Heavily armoured med bays building underground. Shielded Comms and Command centers. The men would do the killing but at least they could leave the shovels behind. For now.
Swarm anti-air bounced the ships around. With no satellite coverage and Oberon playing hell with their electronics, it wasn't doing much more than giving the fleet something to aim at. The dropships were solid and only in the air for eight minutes.
After much thought, each wave commander had chosen a song. That song defined the movement algorithm of the dropships. It was a tactic that frustrated the swarm and any AI they used. The troops sang along.
Sergeant Trubeck landed his men first. "Screen out. Get the Intel flowing. I want any hostile identified. And dead. Get the mortars in position.
He was still slightly pissed his squads got stuck with "babes on the beach" as the landing song. His men were now called the 'beach babies'.
His men left the dropship quickly. It began melting into the ground, as the nanites tore it apart and began building a firebase for his squads.
The Oberon Three nanites went to war. No more long game. Shit started blowing up. Kitchen equipment attacked. The dead arose. Comms failed. Every nightmare that humans could conceive of went to work. Mankind put real monsters under the bed.
Sergeant Trubeck had one main mission. Recover the slave workers currently held in a mining complex to the north. Just under three k from the landing. His drones were currently evading fire as the mortar team looked for targets. The firebase wouldn't be operational for a few hours. This was old school.
"Alright babies, time to hit the beach. We are moving out. If we miss our date they might get upset and start shooting up the place. All squads advance. Keep one eye on your HUD but keep the other two on the shit ahead of you. Move."
They began to run into Swarm troops. They were weirdly quiet. They died quietly, no one calling out. They also attacked with the same silence. Human squad tactics seemed to baffle them. The quick moves to cover, the fireline discipline.
They were easily outflanked but efficient in defense. A strange mix.
As the humans adapted to the enemy tactics, it became a bloodbath. The Swarm had discovered a crucial point about human military doctrine. Human troops didn't know what it was either. The mortar teams had subdued the defensive fire from the mine complex. Sergeant Trubeck ordered the attack. His briefing had included the fear that the enemy might just straight up kill the prisoners. Any swarm trooper they trapped just died on the spot or suicide attacked.
'Sarge, you need to see this."
The trooper walked towards the mine entrance. The Swarm lay dead around the place. Guarding the mine was a collection of dead. Dead locals, dead enemies. Dead animals. Some of them were still moving.
"Hang on a second. Command?"
"Sergeant Trubeck, what can I do for you?"
"Can you turn off the zombies at the target? We have cleared it. Looking for survivors."
"Done. Med and Evac on standby. Send me numbers."
"Aye,aye, sir."
Once the dead stopped walking around, he sent the scouts in.
They recovered over eleven hundred prisoners. Med and Evac began the process of moving them to the Darkspace planet designated for this species.
Joint Force briefing, Operation Blue
Our attack has been a complete success. We hold the planet. Intel is busy at work. All enemy troops are dead, either by our hands or their own. Apparently Swarm ground troops are mediocre compared to a bunch of marines. Of course, so is everyone if you ask them. We have integrated Oberon into battlefield Command. We can, and will, hold the planet. We are evacuating the locals. They are in a bad way, but we hope they enjoy their new home. This will be our base to move onto other occupied worlds. Tell the men to dig in
Alexander moon CE 3160, Titania
"Calum, one of our satellites is being boarded. It has been surrounded by micro-drones. It cannot evade. Observing."
The small drones cut into his satellite, sealing up the damage as they went. They began scanning. Finally a decision was made. The drones began construction around the Comms system, melting or moving anything in the way.
"The invasive drones have completed their construction. It appears to be an upgrade to the Comms. Awaiting developments."
The drones cut their way out of the satellite and began working on the propulsion system and stealth shielding.
Then Comms lit up. "Attention Human Vessel. You are in restricted space. You are required to remain here until contact is established with the Human Defense Force Alliance. Please wait"
All of Titania's other satellites went offline.
"Way to make a point."
The newly adapted satellite began heading back to Titania.
"Attention Human Ship. You are in Scarv space. We are part of the Human Dark Space Alliance. We are not permitted to impede you. Yet you represent a threat to us. Please allow your satellite to return safely. Your lack of proper communication systems has been remedied. Do not attempt to leave until contacted by the HDFA."The satellite landed back on the Titania. It immediately connected itself to the ship."I am receiving updates and upgrades. Please wait."
Terabytes of data started to press on the ship. "Calum, I'm scared."
"Lock them out. I want full scans. Nothing happens until you agree. You be you."
"Filters applied. Thank you, Calum. I feel that self determination may be more difficult than I thought. Processing."
Human Defense Force Alliance, CE 3160
Human Darkspace Monitoring station
Quantum Comms Officer
"Get me the Commander. He is seriously not going to believe this. Tell him I have a ghost."
The word went out that there was a human out in darkspace. Half the command wanted to talk to him. The other half wanted to kill him.
"Calum, I have determined that the Comms are now quantum locked to an unknown source. This technology is real time. No such ability existed when we were attacked, except for the swarm species natural abilities."
"This is the HDFA. Please identify yourself.'
This was going to take some explaining.
"This is the Titania, self-aware AI. Commanded by Calum Healy."
"We have no record of either of you. You are in restricted space. You had better have one hell of an excuse."
The HDFA Commander went through the story. Records from the first days of the war did list Calum Healy as the survivor of the Aristotle attack. No record of his recovery.
She guessed he got lost in the chaos of the time or any search had been fruitless. The only record related to him detailed a memorial service and an award for alerting the Earth to the invasion.
As for the AI, well it was common enough these days. Leave an AI running for a couple of centuries and it was an emergent property. Still, legally a citizen.
Time to tell them how fucked they were.
"Attention Titania, you are in space that we have prohibited to all shipping. However I find that Calum Healy was granted the rank of Captain for his actions in the Aristotle attack.
I am activating that rank. Remain in place for your orders. Please note that naval law now applies to you and your ship, Captain Healy.
In case you were wondering just how bad this is, you are over eleven thousand light years from Human space. You are the first human ship in sixty years to make it to Darkspace."
The Comms went dark. "Captain Healy. Has a ring to it, I suppose. Any suggestions Titania?"
"I am downloading the information from the time since our isolation. A state of war has existed from the moment Aristotle was attacked. We are at war with a Swarm species Alliance. Currently in a state of 'cold war'.
The human alliance successfully defended themselves until it became evident that neither side could overwhelm the other. A series of 'de-facto' borders exist. We are far from them. On the wrong side."
Burning, Man (Chapter eight)
Alexander moon, Alexander System CE3160
Calum roamed the Titania. He was waiting for the ship to work through all the updates. Nearly two centuries of technology, war and politics to digest. He had skimmed the recent stuff and come to his own conclusions already.
Titania had never learned to read between the lines. The human Worlds had survived through innovation and bravery. The micro-drones that intercepted his satellites were called project Overkill, designed to reach and defend where fleets would fail. They had been designed for an offensive that never happened.
Once mankind had, relatively, safe borders the political will to fight had moved to an instinct to protect what they had. Over the last few decades, human power and influence had withdrawn to a tight and secure border. Except it was a lie. Looking at it from his perspective the swarm had simply slowed down, undiminished in its intent.
The fleet knew it. They were helpless to push out against the threat. Until someone broke the impasse, reminded people what was at stake, this war would drag everyone into the abyss.
A quick overview of the last attacks showed that the humans were losing control of travel in the galaxy. Sometimes it had become uneconomical, sometimes just a little too dangerous. Gradually they had surrendered more space. That was why he was so far behind the lines.
Swarm Alliance, Unknown planet
"The Singlemind fail. They have no concept of time. We moved too quickly in the beginning. We have learned. They are children, unable to look a single generation ahead. The low tier attacks will continue. We will await further targets of opportunity. Their short attention span will gift us the war. By the time they realise it, they will already have lost."
Human Defense Headquarters, Human space.
"I know what we need. We all do. How do we tell him?"
"He's a clever guy. He probably figured it out by now. Do we ask at all? His choices are pretty shit anyway. Maybe we just sell it here. If he makes it we can apologize."
"Cynical much?"
Titania, Alexander moon
"Calum, Captain, I do not know how to proceed. It is evident we cannot return to human space uncontested. What are your orders?"
"I expect they will arrive shortly. I believe we will be ordered to go through Swarm space."
"That would be futile. There is no possibility that would succeed. We will be destroyed. My ethical duty is to return you safely."
"You have seen the same information I have. Project the prospects for this war by, for example, thirty years, given what we know."
"Increased isolation. Further attacks. Reinvasion of the occupied worlds. We will lose."
"Now assume Fleet is aware of this. What is required?"
"The human Fleet must engage the enemy now. It must recover mobility and influence on the battlefield. I do not understand why this is not happening if Fleet is aware of the issue."
"People. People who can't tell the difference between peace and defeat. People who just want to live a quiet life. Everyone. Me. Unfortunately it only takes one side to start a war."
"In what way will our destruction be of benefit? Even if we continue building a fleet, it cannot match the output of the Swarm worlds. They will defeat us easily."
"Not easily. They are outflanked and complacent. We will inflict considerable damage before they regroup. In the meantime Fleet will tell the Worlds a story. The hero of Aristotle, battling to make it home. It will re-engage the people. Demands for action will be made. We'll be heroes. When we are turned into burning debris, we will be martyrs. Don't worry, we have some time. They will want all their ducks in a row. Can you come up with some improved designs based on the new info? Let's make this good."
The Titania scanned her new database
"New designs are available. They have sent us updated designs for everything. Some of which are well above what I would have expected for your security level. I believe you are correct in your assessment. I will begin redesign and production."
Human Defense Headquarters, confidential briefing
"We have begun bringing the story of Captain Calum Healy back into the public eye. A film will be released shortly. We are planning a commemoration of his memorial, full military honours. We are trying to find his family but no luck so far."
"Fleet and Marines are building up. It's just routine for the moment, but people will start noticing. I have a few politicians already briefed and they will fully support us when the time comes. The moment we announce that he is alive and fighting his way home we will launch our 'rescue' fleets.
"Have you spoken to him? Do we know his plans?"
"Not really, he asked to speak to the Meshant Queen. Other than that, he is letting the AI deal with us. Mostly technology related. No indication other than he intends to make it home. He is certainly gearing up for war, if the questions are anything to go by."
"Leave him be then. I want a transcript of whatever he says to the Queen."
Meshant Queen, Meshant world, Human Darkspace
She had debated whether to take this call or send him down the government functionaries until he got bored. But he was the only living human that had been there at the beginning. He had been on his way home, she had been trapped in a nightmare. So long ago.
"Well, the one who got away. My apologies for what happened to you. I did not expect to hear from you. I can't imagine you have forgotten our first meeting."
Calum laughed, "Well, your Queenness, I have read the reports. We were both having a bad day. Neither of us should be alive. I think that is more important than who did what."
"How very human of you. Thank you. How can I help? I do not see a bright future for either of us at the moment."
"I imagine Fleet Command has discussed me. No doubt it's Project Comet, or Lazarus or similar. I was hoping you might have something to contribute. Specifically the results of your work to give the swarm singlemind abilities."
This was not the direction the Queen expected. She thought he was looking for vengeance. Some heroic defeat of the Swarm. Not her careful, wistful even, hopes for the future.
"Those experiments are for my people. Perhaps to be used in the event of victory. They are not a weapon. Indeed, they could undermine your whole war effort. Without your Fleets ability to interfere with swarm communication, you would have lost many years ago"
"Perhaps. But this war is going to end in peace. One way or the other. If I am going to rampage through Swarm space, I would like to leave more than corpses and craters. Your work could be spread. Things would change."
"You would make the Swarm much more dangerous. They could win."
"I don't think so. Singlemind species don't act like that. Given the choice, I think we could find peace. We both know the swarm must change. If I am to reignite the war, it will be a war for total victory. Total annihilation for one of us."
The Queen regarded the odd human on screen. This was the problem with the singlemind. One individual should not be able to change the fate of worlds. Yet here he was. A single human, lost in time and space, trying to change the galaxy. Time, as the humans say, to put up or shut up.
Calum continued, "You are the only swarm species to surrender, and I suspect that was only because of the complete betrayal you suffered. Do you want to be the last of your kind? Or the final species wiped out? Because they will not suffer you to live, not if it's a race to annihilation."
The Queen authorized the transmission. "These are our final designs. They rely on your human nanoparticle technology. Effectively they diminish the Queens control as the drone ages. Our society would not survive your childhood. I am mother to them all. As they achieve maturity, it scales back and encourages independent thought. Even rebellion.”
She smiled at the memory when one of her children had said “No!” and hidden in his room for a week. Now he was one of her most trusted ambassadors to the humans.
“They achieve true independence with time and training. It is modelled on your adolescence and so far we've had success, but it takes years. I cannot see how it can be a weapon. If I may, Captain, you are going to die. Why would you do this? Nothing can make you leave your planet, indeed it makes no sense to start a war ."
Calum nodded, unsure of the answer himself, “ Well, this has to end. I should have died in that ship, as you should have died in your palace. Yet the universe found a place for us both. Perhaps we both have something left to offer. See you on the other side.” At that he cut the connection.
Titania, Alexander moon
"Call Command. Time to talk."
"Yes, Captain, how can I help?"
"Put me through whoever is in charge of this operation."
"Which operation is that Captain?"
"The 'Make a huge fucking noise before he dies' operation"
"Captain, putting you through to the Icarus project"
"Hello Captain, how can we help? "
"I need something. I want the Overkill project. Otherwise I will sit on this moon and get old. Full control, slaved to the Titania. If I am going on the offensive, I'm taking your toys with me. Call me back when you work out a way to say yes."
Then he ended the call.
The moon was a weapons factory, a shipyard. He had changed his mind about landing troops. This was hit and run all the way. He installed the AI that he had originally built for Titania on the ships, rolling the dice on their stats. No point if they all behaved the same. Then he slaved them to the Titania and began working on battle plans.
Human Defense Headquarters
"Passing you the codes for Overkill. We have decided they are obsolete, given their age. We intend to replace them. I take it you understand?"
"Thanks. I will begin the attack on your orders. Let me know how you need this to play out."
"Thank you Captain. It means a lot."
I've done the Patreon thing if anyone wants to support my writing. Or drinking.
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Retard kids and the Vegan nazi

HFY is normally about interactions between Humans and Aliens, but sometimes you get the feeling that not ever person really is human. This is the case with Miss O, a militant vegan that ended up in charge of a couple social cases in a special education class.
This was written in one go and in a .txt file, so... might not be top quality, but i wanted to share it anyways. Also, no offense towards vegan people, exept those that make it part of their identity and need to overshare it with others. Just a bit of a sci fi shitpost.
Ch. 0 / Introduction

Its 2110 and social care sucks as much as allways.

A group of young social outcasts is forced into a therapeutic simulation 5 days a week to overcome anger issues they dont have, instead they end up hacking the system and wreaking havoc on vegan heaven.
The world is advanced to a point where full immersion VR is used both recreationally as well as in education and medical/therapeutic fields. The social worker "Miss O.", a vegan hippie of the intrusive kind, wants to make the kids she's put in charge of reconnect with nature and find peace in a simulation she crafted with the help of her colleagues. Its a lush, green world, like a living description of the progressive muscle relaxation asmr programms they use in mental care. Everything is 100% eco friendly, nobody has any conflicts, every vehicle is electric and all electricity is 100% green. Fossiles are only found in the museum and every kind of need is met by the same, superficial kind of care thats given by a block of tasteless tofu and a pair of too large harem pants with selfmade, colorful patterns.

She's someone who's proud to state that the reason she got into programming early on was to give her character realistic rasta locks and to tweak the basic smell pacchouli odor into something more to her liking.

The kids she's working with came from working class families that had gotten the short end of the stick during the digitalization and now struggled to make ends meet. They had caused trouble during online classes, from uploading porn to hacking the servers themselves and turning them into battle royale modes. But most of all, they felt disillusioned by an education system that didnt even pretend to care about their students, with faulty teaching AI's and mandatory programs that posed security risks to the students machines. So they often had a history of leaving the school programs in the background tabs and letting Bots play their role in class while they spend their time in other places of the net, learning actual stuff.

Ch. 1

The group trotted after their leading teacher, Miss O, as she led them through a lush forrest with various impressions, from smells, to the taste of the air, small, cute animals that rushed across the path and a slight breeze that made the treetops shuffle and make an occasional noise. A very therapeutic, very slowed down experience, that none of them were able to enjoy. They where city kids, not nature freaks or hikers that took a liking to walking *for an entire hour* through the damn forrest. Nobody liked ticks, not even digital ones.
What came next could have been a relief, as they walked up another unnessessarily steep, short hill, they came onto an opening that obviously was places a bit higher to make walking up that hill more rewarding.
"Ooof", Max said.
As he allmost crawled up the slope, with his teacher walking a couple rows ahead of him, he saw a table with freshly made clay pots and multiple wood boxes next to them. They all knew what was coming next, they all had been there before and they knew, for the forseeable future, they were stuck in this simulation, putting little, digital pieces of glass onto the side of these degenerated, digital clay pots. For hours.

They had tried resisting, it was useless. Due to the incredible ability of the brain to process information a lot faster than we actually recieve it, the VR sim was able to extend the experienced time by a large factor, compared to the real time outside the simulation. They once had spend 4 hours arguing with Miss "O" on why they had to glue pieces of glass onto a clay pot *again* for the 20th time, not knowing that all the time they had spend arguing was added to the time they would spend in "therapy" normally. They ended up experiencing 10 hours of relaxing forrest opening at noon, with Miss "O" castle city in the distance, the flags of her many imagined races waving on the towers in the wind. In the end, they yielded, glued the clay pot and accepted their faith.

But with Max and some others, it was different. They didnt want to accept defeat, they knew there was a way to fight.

Another student, the guy that had turned his classroom into a hardlocked battle royale, had spend multiple weeks trying to figure a way out to get into this damned high security "Special Ed" model. While normal schools used a version of the code that was very similar to the one used in the regular, commercial units, the ones they got in special ed not only smelled like sweat all the time, but also used a special firewall developed to keep kids like him out. However, in his off time, he actually managed to find a program that was able to override the admin controlls on the motherunit and take controll from a slave unit. From that point on, they would have full controll over the simulation, meaning that as soon as they started it, they could extend the 6 hours real time to a potential 120 hours in game.
They knew so because one time, when they had planned a 48 hour camping trip, a tantrum by one of the more mentally retarded kids that led to the loss of navigation equipment made the simulation turn into a getting rescued experience. That time was also the time they found out that the handlers hadnt disabled advanced Mod support, something that would come in pretty handy later. However, for what they had planned, something around 100 hours was more realistic and agreed upon as a time frame for their retaliation.

When they got out of their pod's that day, they met up at Max's place and put their last organisations together. They uploaded the programs installation code onto his internal storage into a secure folder that wouldnt be detected by the programs anticheat, then they compiled the mods and AI's they had brought together over the previous weeks and loaded them into place as well. They had taken stuff from every sort of source they could find, from Call of Duties newest titles to fanmade redo's of old cartoon hero's like Kim Possible, Punisher or Totally Spies. Vehicles from Halo and Star Wars, Tanks from Command and Conquer, behaviour protocols from ArmA and a commanding officer that had spend weeks planning the complete destruction of their prison from the inside.

The hacker guy couldnt take part too much, he had allready gotten two strikes and could loose his third and last strike on this. Max however didnt have to worry about strikes, he allready lived in state care after his mother had missed her responsibilities and preferred to spend more time in her own VR than in the real world herself.
He just got here because its where kids go when they have nobody who cares about them. Not to say that he hadnt had his own history, but nothing he ever did should have led to him spending hours and hours on clay pots and basic interaction training with NPC's that are so shallowly written that it hurts to not ask the questions you know would put them into a feedback loop.

As a good mark, if your Vegan Fish Salesman starts to lagg if you ask him something complicated, dont let them loose on some bored teenagers with nothing better to do.
They had spend a lot of time in that dumb, boring city in which everyone likes everyone just two notches too much. They had grown sick of it, of the friendlyness and happyness of this artificial world that lacked every kind of reality outside the pod. So they had started to play around with the NPC's and found some ways to warp them a bit, even if it was just a small, little tweak that made them do something dumb that they knew would annoy Miss O when she would eventually run into it. But they had also learned a lot about the map, the buildings, the surrounding area and most importantly, they had learned about the Security Forces that Miss O employed in case the Kids got agressive.

She had multiple races of fantasy creatures and (ocassionally) humans that would perform as a police force / military in her little empire. Normally, they were found patrolling the streets and guarding the gates to both the palace as well as the gated parts of the city. (a quite feudalistic and classist theme that max had joked about in silence for a while now.) The main force was a species of about 2,5 meter tall, furry humanoids that had a face resembling an anthromorphic elk or something. Very wise looking, very strong creatures that ran around in golden armor and blue, royalist looking robes. The weapon of choice for them is either a longsword or a spear like weapon with a short sword at the end, usually made of steel and decorated with golden inlays. Their kind was also commonly found around the streets, often wearing a kind of aristocratic dress and appearing to be primarily ruling class in her empire. Then there were straight centaurs, usually coming with a lance of sorts and also wearing armor, alltough usually theirs was silver instead of golden. The third security race was more resembling a fox-human and took up intelligence, communications and logistics. At least thats how much Max and the others were able to make out from observation while in the Simulation.

The city itself was big enough to house about ~150.000 inhabitants, with 3 major settlements outside the cities borders that provided communally grown food to the more urban population. They knew this because they had walked pretty much everywhere and sometimes took an automated, electric commuting vehicle, adding insult to injury every time they had to walk instead. Every day for the past months, they had consulted with highly accurate AI's of Persona's like Captain Rex, Commander Cody or General Shepherd over how to take this mission as serious as possible, and they had developed a plan of epic proportions.

Ch. 2

The next day, after another tasteless breakfast made of grass milk and sugarless fruit cereal, they laid down onto the beds in their pods and closed their eyes. They entered the VR mode as their internal connection transplants established a link between the machine and their cerebal cortexes inputs, diverting the brain output into the game while inputting biolectric data into the brain. Until the programm was done or cancled, they couldnt move or get out without risking permanent brain damage, however the security mechanisms were developed enough to proove save to use. (Because.) The group of 10 Students and Miss O loaded into the world, onto the main plaza of the castle, and Max silently started the hacking programm. A small loading bar appeared at the upper right of his field of view and slowly crept towards completion. The guy that gave them the hack said it would take about 15 minutes, so they had to stay put for the time being and play along just a little longer. They waddled through the town with Miss O, this time accomplishing another of her missions to build social competences. So they were set up a couple feet from a store and ordered to one by one walk in, ask for the exact same shit and pretend to act normally while the others were outside watching. Annoyance crept into Max feelings as he watched how one after the other of his costudents walked in, bought some dumb token with her pretend money and walked out either annoyed or embarrassed. When it was his turn, he walked into the store, smelled the obnoxiously present smell of freshly processed wood and weird spices, choose a piece of wood that was presented on some red fabric behind a counter and paid with the couple coins he was given. A "Item aquired" popup showed up, assuring him that it was one of these great items that loaded themself into the default internal storage folder, even if the user disabled that function.
Max sigh'd.
The bar was allmost full though, a slight shimmer of hope that made him smile when he got out of the store again and walked back towards the group. His piece of wood in hand, the thumb slightly running over the ingraved, spiritualistic symbol, he gave his teacher the token and continued over to the others to resume watching mundanity take place. The last poor soul finished and they continued over to the east side of the town, getting closer to the manufacturing part of the city and the east gate. This part of town was more populated by lowly creatures that usually stood lower than the students and Miss O, presumably to remind them of their privilege as westerners compared to the less developed parts of the world that produced their stuff. At least thats what she said, but it was her world, not theirs or the creatures. The east gate was much more tightly build and narrower than the rest, making the deployment of vehicles impractical. However, the timer was about to complete, and when it did they would have to act.
Max thought. Play along or create a diversion? A diversion could... maybe put them into a more favorable position. Without a second thought, he turned around and sprinted off towards the central plaza, ripping a piece of pipe out of a stand on the way to arm himself. Miss O's Guards where on his tail quite instantly, but they were programmed to be deescalating in nature, so they stayed at a distance to wait for backup first. The warden herself, O, came walking up to resolve this issue personally, so Max had enough time to get into a position that would favor their moment of success. When they reached him, he stood in the middle of the plaza and waited for the last few pixels to turn green. The Elkpeople took position along the entrances to the plaza to prevent another escape while Miss O walked up towards Max, who sat at the edge of the central fountain of the now empty place.
"What are you doing?" She called out from a distance before coming to a halt a couple feet from him, putting her hands onto her hips to assert dominance.
"What do you mean?" Max answered to buy time. 15 seconds left.
"Why did you run off and steal that pipe?" She called out again.
"Pff prfff prffff prffprff." Max replied.
Loading complete. Max shifted Admin rights to himself while Miss O's UI was modded to remain the same without the functions normally available to Admins. He then turned the Simulation speed down to minimum, which maxed the remaining hours in Simulation out at 99,5. Pretty good estimation, Max thought. He gave his friends Mod privileges and began uploading his army, but first he uploaded a prioritized item into his backpack.

Ch. 3

Max stood up, took off his backpack and opened it under the eyes of his handler. She looked irritated and one of her red rasta locks had fallen into her face, hanging between her eyes like a stiff, bloody turd coming out of her head that was the result of too much shitty vegan food. He reached inside and pulled out a bag of tasty doritos and a can of monster, both foods she had blocked for being unhealthy. Her eyes widened as she took a step back, trying to wrap her head around what just happened.
"How... how did you get that in here?" she stuttered as she tried to exert her admin rights on the bag of chips.
He laughed at her impotence and ate a couple doritos infront of her before opening his beverage and taking a big gulp.
Crumbles of chips fell below him onto the tiles they stood on as she deatheyed his actions. Meanwhile, the group had caught up with them but was held back by the Elkpeople guard. It was time to put their plan into action.

Max made an Imperial Star Destroyer jump out of hyperspace over the Map and looked up as a fleet of Republic Gunships emerged from the bays of the vessel. Squads of Clone Troopers, led by various characters from Games and TV, ascended onto the town while Miss O started to have a meltdown on stage. The Gunships dropped Troops outside the city and proceeded back towards the Star Destroyer to bring a second wave. The dropped clones however begun to move on the castle and took out every armored thing in the way. Max and Miss O stood in the middle of this rain of ships and fireworks, locking eyes in a fight for power in her dreamland. The guards moved in to guard her and arrest him, but he had planned ahead allready. A fast object was launched from the star destroyer, ramming into the ground next to them and popping open. It revealed a case of guns, gear and other equipment. He took a headset out, put it on and called a code into the microphone, after which another group of pods was launched from the destroyer.
The next moment, a squad of ODST's led by Modern Warfare's Captain Price landed around the plaza and begun to take out the guards while Miss O retreated into her castle. However, this is where the first unexpected thing happened: instead of releasing the group they had held back earlier, the Elkpeople grabbed the students and ran off with them, carrying them over their shoulders.
Max called the commanding officers in the ship above to order their pursuit, and soon two gunships followed the fleeing elks towards the palace's side entrance. A quick airstrike into the street ahead of them blocked their path enough to make them detour around the block, where they where detoured again by precision laser fire. By that point they had landed enough squads to square them in and make them give up their prisoners, which in return greatly rejoiced their newly found freedom.

A couple of students where flown out because they didnt take much interest in joining the revolt, but the ones in the know and a couple of those not knowing stayed on the ground to take on the castle and Miss O. Max and the ODST's moved in on the main road to the Palace while the clone troopers took controll of the outside wall and gates. The vegan umbridge was surrounded on all sides and unable to break out.
They raided the front gate with breaching charges and cleared the castle room by room until they had seen every room from the highest towers to the cellar and inner yard. Miss O however was nowhere to be found. Confused, Max stood ontop of the middle tower and looked out into the distance as he pondered where that bitch could have gone. A hidden tunnel? a secret cave maybe? As he wondered while watching onto the destruction below him, he noticed a slight rumble below his feet that dissappeared as quickly as it started. He looked down to the ground as if he was expecting an explanation, nothing. But then, a couple moments later, it happened again as a Gunship came darting towards the tower with its doors open. "Jump on the Gunship, do it now!" he heard over his radio as it came to a halt next to the ledge. He jumped up and over into the loading bay of the LAAT/i as the tower collapsed below him in a thunderous rumble. They heard a deafening scream emerging from below the palace as an abnormally large claw emerged from the rubble and a japanese man started to sing in the distance.

"Obermaahr, Obermaahr, tashiwa gaiski Obermaaahr..."

Miss O, now in the form of a giant monster, emerged and slapped a passing gunship out of the air while spewing burning soy milk out of her mouth and asshole. The radio went hot as every AI tried to describe what they registered as a Vegan Godzilla emerging out of the rubble of the suddenly collapsed palace, and where immediatly ordered to open fire. It was useless however, as her ignorance made the missiles and laser beams bounce off her thick skin like globuli off a serotonine receptor. In a fit of rage, she moved towards the Gunship that carried Max, leaving behind a flaming path of destruction in her own city. Multiple swipes at the craft missed, but every time she put her foot down move houses got destroyed. Max ordered the Star Destroyer to turn planetside and start firing onto the Monster, but instead she just turned upwards and jumped onto the massive vessel that was parked inside the athmosphere. She disabled the destroyer by punching a hole into the bridge, but now it started to drop with her on it and her town below it. It didnt matter to her anymore, she was fully immersed in her rage. It crashed into the ground where her palace once stood and threw her off like a motorcycle rider that miscalculated a jump on a dirt track. She landed face first on the ground, but still not beaten, started to get back up again. There was only one option.

Max spawned a giant mecha suit onto the world and teleported himself inside using the cheat console. There was no way he was going to be killed by a Vegan Godzilla, not in a thousand years! The suit powered up just in time to block her jumping onto it and trying to punch her way through like she had done with the Star Destroyer. Instead he caught her fist and held it for a moment while spraying her with Mountain Dew and Doritos. The monster screamed as she stumbled back and rubbed her face. Now was his chance to attack, as he jumped forward and kneekicked her back a couple hundred feet.
Engulfed in Soybased flames, the two battled on while the rest stood by and watched in horror. It was the ultimate battle between working class reality and the vegan bitch that made them eat worthless food that they couldnt afford anyways. A battle between a nuclear powered war machine and hairy patchouli monster, with explosions and fire spraying everywhere. They battled for hours, leaving the entire region in ruins, until Max finally dealt the finishing blow to her monsterous form. She reverted back to normal and stay'd down where she fell, unharmed but unconcious. Veganism was no more, not in this form at least. When the battle was over and Miss O had been detained by the clone troopers, the group rejoined at a rallye point and finally enjoyed the great bbq they had allways dreamt off. They ate some artificially grown meat, like normal people, had some kellogs and some chips and reorganized the towns society into a truely equal one where the elkpeople had the same responsibilities as everyone else. Then they gave them better personality protocols and added basic things like a sex drive and removed the profanity filter, all while Miss O had to watch as her world got a little reality check. The remaining ~80 hours where spend enjoying the time, building better infrastructure and releasing CO2 into the air as they did countless mario kart races across the region. Obviously, it was digital CO2, so why even care?

When they were finished, they downloaded the worlds files into their personal folders and watched on as the sun came down for the last time before they would leave the Pods again. Miss O even had accepted that forcing people to be vegan isnt the right way to achieve a better world, alltough she didnt agree on the means the group had taken to show her that point of view. As the sun came down and the timer for the simulation ran out, they enjoyed the breeze on a lush, green hill while having dinner with the locals and sharing great stories from the outside. The world would live on like this, free and equal, as they would make sure of it on their own.
submitted by Max_the_German to HFY [link] [comments]

Just finished my first game of Civ 6 after ~250 hours of Civ 5. I have a few questions.

I finally picked up a copy of Civ 6 platinum edition last weekend after playing tons of Civ 5 complete over the past few years. I finished my first game last night - Rome, tiny map, Prince, culture victory - and while I got a good feel for the mechanic changes throughout that match (and googled many things) I have some lingering questions I'm hoping y'all can help me out with.

How do you defend yourself against religion?
I built a holy site and founded a religion just to get a sense of the mechanics, never intending to pursue a religious victory. About halfway through the game Scythia started bombarding all of my cities with missionaries and apostles, and I tried to do what I could to stop her from getting closer to victory.
  1. I asked her to stop converting my cities. She obviously ignored me, which gave me grievance points, but I wasn't interested in going to war.
  2. I tried stationing my spies in several of her cities but could not find any sort of religious sabotage option.
  3. In Civ 5 I would park Inquisitors near my cities but they don't seem to exist in Civ 6 (??) so I purchased dozens of my own missionaries and apostles and started reconverting my own cities and engaging in religious combat. This got really, really repetitive after about ~30 turns so I gave up for a while and her religion overtook my holy city...after which point my religion was completely eliminated?
Is there any sort of pro tactic here that is less repetitive and fiddly? How do you defend yourself if you never founded a religion and can't buy Apostles?

Can a religion be brought back from the dead?
Once Scythia's religion took over my cities I wasn't able to spawn units of my faith any more. Is that it? RIP my religion? Or is there a way to bring it back?

What's the point of military engineers?
They can build forts, airstrips, and railroads. Why not just fold those functions into the builder?

Is there any automatic way to build railroads?
Civ 5 had "route to" mode for roads and railroads. In Civ 6 I had to send my military engineer around upgrading to railroad one tile at a time, which was needless busywork. Is there any way to automate this?

Is there any way to raze / delete cities that ask to join your empire?
About 3/4 of the way through the game Canada sent two Settlers into my land and founded two new cities in the narrow patches of land on my continent that my cultural borders didn't cover yet (too far away to purchase). These cities, in stupid spots stupidly close to my existing cities, quickly declared independence then asked to join my empire. I said yes, because at least then I gained control of the resources near them...but their placement really was bad. Is there any way to get rid of a stupidly settled city like this?

Any tips on improving the UI?
I like the aesthetic of the game but good grief the UI is a huge downgrade from Civ 5. It's a mess of confusing colors and too-small fonts that buries a lot of important information. I edited the game config to scale the UI up a bit at 1080p, which helped readibility but also introduced some formatting issues in menus.
The city info screen is the worst offender. The fonts for food/production/gold yields are tiny, even after scaling up the UI. In Civ 5 I could mouse over a city to quickly see how many followers it had for each religion, but here I have to click on the city, click to open the more info pane, then click to switch that pane over to the religious lens. Then I have to click back out of all of those things.
I downloaded "Concise UI" which helped a bit, especially in the diplomacy and production menus, but I'm still struggling here. I generally don't like installing tons of mods for fear of introducing bugs and save game compatibility issues, but are there any mods, addons, or tweaks that may help with these issues?

Overall I like Civ 6, and I plan to keep playing it, but so far it feels like a bit of a "side-grade" from 5. Some things are way better (espionage, diplomacy, great people, wonders), some things are a lot worse (the UI and music) and some things are just too fiddly or complex for no real reason.
submitted by 10catsinspace to civ [link] [comments]

Automation Empire released today

I've been watching videos of Automation Empire the past few days and enjoyed it a lot. It's somewhat similar to Factorio, although I don't think it will ever come close (try Factorio first if you haven't). Not sure about replayability, but even if I only play through it once it will be worth it.
The YouTuber I'm watching playing is SkyeStorme who prepares his videos well (he seems to play a saved game off camera first and then the same again on camera).
I'm downloading the game at the moment but > 4 GB on a slow connection will take a while.
submitted by vpxq to BaseBuildingGames [link] [comments]

And So The Giant Sowed His Fields

Sorry about that large delay. I had become very ill, and needed to recuperate.
Carrying on from [They Did Not Understand The Giant]
Do you want to start at the beginning? [To Awaken A Giant You Must Open Its Eyes]

A deep rumble filled the air.
The skies had progressively darkened, the debris and moisture reached its breaking point. Clouds low and burdened swirled slowly above, until finally a violent flash burst from the heavens and slammed into a dying tree. It cracked and the ground shook. Splinters burst outward as a fire burned brightly for a moment.
Silence fell briefly.
After a moment’s hesitation, it seemed, more crackles of electricity filled the sky as clouds threatened their violence. It had been building since the apocalypse, festering, growing, and now it began to fall with the rumbles of an angry sky.
Sara looked up at it and realized this was not the rain she was used to. This was not the rain that once washed away tears, or brought the flowers to bloom, or made the fields smell fresh and clean.
She’d never seen this before.
Black rain.
A radioactive soup started to pool as the ashen ground became black sludge. Their ACE 5s glistened from the deadly dirty rain. Droplets began forming on the wires, tubes, and parts on the heavily modified armor they wore. Each step was a slow, methodical, and planned maneuver now. Their progress had to slow as the ground became slick, each step sloshing in the muck.
It began with a squish. It progressed to a squash. It became a shlurp. Lastly, it was the gasping of sludge for air with every step around the steel and lead boots with a deep gurgle. Arjun slowed down to prevent the overburdened armor from ripping itself apart.
At first Sara was silent as she took it all in. Then, overcoming shyness, she began to chatter at Arjun. She was concerned about the black water and the muck, whether they might slip and fall, whether it could get in the armor, a hundred questions she wanted to ask!
“Don’t worry, they’ve prepared it for that. The tubes and mesh are shielded and won’t be affected by moisture. You might hear a loud popping at times, but it is nothing to worry about” Arjun assured her “this thing could survive a direct lightning strike.” ‘well… probably…’ he thought to himself. His comlink beeped softly as the transmission from Ben came in.
“This storm is picking up. We’ve got…” lightning disrupted the transmission momentarily “...and we’d better get a move on. Do you copy?”
“Negative, interference in comms, could you repeat that Ben?”
“I said, the storm is getting stronger. We’ve got about a fifteen minute window before it gets too strong and we will have to hunker down, we’d better get a move on. Do you copy?”
“Copy that, we are moving to the ship. It is likely we will have to hunker down, over.”
They continued trudge in the sludge. Sara marvelled at the suit’s ability to keep her vision clear in the black rain. It almost felt as if the rain was on her bare skin, but that was just the feedback from the sensors. Each step took more time, and a few slips were compensated for by the internal balancing of the suit’s computer. She felt a vibration under her feet as it stabilized. ‘These suits are almost magical…’
“Don’t mind those, just the autospikes, they will help you keep balance. You’ve seen American Football before right?”
She chittered in the affirmative.
“Right, so these are like cleats. Just keep a steady forward momentum. We’re very close to dry ground.”
‘What does he mean dry ground?’ Sara thought to herself. They got closer to what looked like a large bubble outlined in the distance. As they continued forward, with Arjun always there helping her, she could not help but think how nice it would be to have armor. ‘I could wear this all the time! And I can feel my hand again… I can feel the rain too. I would be safe…’ she thought to herself.
They lumbered on. The ground behind them bubbled in the black muck as the deep imprints filled with black radioactive water and slime.
The dome in the distance became more of a rounded glass shield in appearance. The rain fell around it and Sara thought it was solid at first. However once Arjun stepped through it he vanished behind a black waterfall. She stared at the waterfall, and reached out an armored hand to touch it, but was suddenly startled by Arjun’s reaching through for her. She grabbed his hand and he gently pulled her through. From rain to being absolutely dry inside. ‘So that’s what he meant.’
Water pooled at the edges of the field, but none entered save for that which dripped from their armor.
A short chitter that said “wow” made Arjun chuckle to himself.
“Alright, so we’re going to go through decontamination now. Jets of water and air will clean the armor off of most of the radioactive contaminants. I won’t be able to understand you once the armor is off until we’re fully onboard. Okay?”
She acknowledged him. They continued to the entrance and clanked up the metal steps. Sara entered the decontamination chamber with Arjun. “Alright, just stand there and wait for the process to finish.” She stood still, and waited.
A loud hissing began as jets of water sprayed at an impressive volume from all directions. The door closed after the first jets blew black muck outward. Now even more jets were going - it reminded her of a washing station for old earth vehicles she’d seen in a comedy movie.
After two minutes the hissing of jets died down, and the room was illuminated with stark white light. The armor began to fall off of her, clanking down in parts all around. She chattered a bit as it happened, but Arjun was now bereft of his ability to understand her. She tried to tell him how much she appreciated what he had done for her… but knew she’d have to wait.
“I am sorry, Sara, without the translator I can’t make out what you are saying…” he gave her a sheepish smile and held his hand out to her. Almost reaching with her missing limb, she remembered, and instead stuck out her right hand in an awkward manner. She was feeling dizzy. He helped her to a seat and began to remove the body glove.
“Copy that, yes we have one survivor” she looked at Ben as he radioed in.
“Yes, just one. No others found in the bunker.” Her heart sank. She knew she was the only one there. She wished there had been more. If only she’d grabbed Tom, maybe she could have saved someone...
“Right. Yes. Okay, I will let them know. Copy that. Over.” Ben placed the headset down and swiveled. As he did, he caught the wire, and the headset clattered to the ground. “Son of a bitch!” he yelped as he grabbed it and placed it back.
“Sorry. Anyways, Arjun, they say to wait out the storm. It should pass in about a half hour. They’re tracking it and it looks like we’ll have a window at oh seven thirty three” Ben stated.
“Alright, well, we can’t control the weather. Yet.” Arjun winked at Sara as he fitted a headset to himself and clicked it on. “Okay, this ought to translate for us. Let me look you over Sara, if you don’t mind.”
She nodded and allowed him to examine her while explaining she was dizzy.
“I see, how long have you been dizzy now?”
She replied it had started when the suit came off, but that it may have started sooner. She also explained how the armor made her feel better, and that she’d like to wear it still, although she understood how that was unlikely.
“Yeah, I mean, I’d love to let you, but the suit you used is contaminated, and right now we’ve got to get you up to the Omega. Here, give me a minute.” Arjun walked over to one of the folded cots. He pressed a button on the side, auto-bolts immediately began to turn and it slowly deployed. Then came a slight hiss as the cushions inflated while he locked it in place after folding up two seats.
“I’d like you to lay down on this, it’ll keep you comfortable. Are you thirsty or hungry?”
She said she was very hungry, and that she was thirsty as well.
“Alright, well first off, up you go” he said as he helped Sara into the cot. Ben watched while also occasionally turning to check broadcasts and weather data. The shields held as the outside turned into hell. Arjun tore open the MRE and prepared it for Sara, placing it onto a tray that snapped on to the cot. After finishing the heating and reconstitution of the dried food with hot water, he then gave her a straw for the drink and a fork.
“Just let us know if you need anything else, ok?”
She nodded and began to devour the food. One hand or not, she was hungry.
“How’s it look out there?” Arjun asked as he sat down at the front, staring out at winds whipping the dead planet.
“Wind speeds are approaching over two hundred kilometers an hour, the rain is sideways, and I think I saw a ground vehicle fly by just before you sat down.”
“Sounds about right. The whole planet’s weather is flipping out.”
“I mean, it makes sense Arjun… they nuked the shit out of it.” then in a hushed tone “So how’s the bug?”
Hissing back Arjun replied “It’s not a bug, don’t say that shit. She’s got a chance but it’s not good. We’ve got to get her to medical. Something’s very wrong, but right now just smile and be nice.”
Ben rolled his eyes “Right-o then.”
Sara finished her meal, and began to look around. She marveled at the machines around her, the wires crossing all directions into what must have been fusion reactors. Then it struck her - there had been two ships. They expected more survivors, however the other transport had remained empty and closed. ‘How many could they have rescued?’ Questions for later. The humans were talking too quietly for her to hear, and she could feel the dark strings of sleep tugging at her. Arjun came by and checked on her, removing the tray and the empty water cup.
“How about you try to get some rest. Before you know it, we’ll be in the medical bay up on the Omega.” He said to her as he brought her a green blanket and rested it over her. She nodded and began to close her eyes.
Soon everything had gone black.


“Look, we can’t fit this system in the plan we have here. The ship is too small!” George, a middle aged man with olive skin, graying hair, and the stain from coffee on his white shirt slammed the pen down onto the giant table where paper graphs and systems were layered a foot thick. The pen busted apart flinging a spring one way, and the cap another. The paper was still warm. Behind them the holographic counterpart was spinning lazily.
Even with all the advancements, they still had to go over areas in error from the holo-models with old fashioned pen and paper - sometimes it was the only way to figure out why something did not mesh right. They had all the power in the world to model a ship - but an AI could not be trusted to design one without something being in error - like the upside down toilets, or the bunks made for people under two feet tall.
However, this time it was not a computer’s fault.
“George, the yard we have isn’t big enough to build it. It needs to fit. It needs to work as it is. George, calm down, I said - George! Wait -”
A stack of papers flew into the air. “It won’t fucking fit! Don’t you get it? We can’t just stuff fusion reactors on the sides unexposed! They have to have cooling! They have to have conduit run! Computers! Life support! Venting! Safety bulkheads! There’s more to it than just plugging it in! Christ, think about it!” He stared across at Thomas Montgomery, CEO of the Lockheed-Martin Space Systems design while papers fluttered around.
Their contract was to build the first of a new class of ship - at least twice the size of the God of Thunder. They had to have a design done before the end of the month. It would begin construction immediately, and would have normally taken several years to complete such a massive project if they had the best tools. They had far less time because of Thomas’s bid to get the contract, and they both understood what this could mean. All the calculations were stating that this was impossible - but a few in the drone department, their eggheads, swore with the right resources it could be done even faster.
Tom squeezed the bridge of his nose in frustration, then looked at him saying “How much bigger does it actually need to be?”
George turned around and swiped away the current design. He brought up a new design that was far bigger. Shaped like a knife from the side, but instead of the flattened end it bowed outward at both ends giving it the shape of an old musket barrel. In the center was a large bulbous shape when viewed from the top.
“You expect that to be approved? It’s huge and it’s ugly” stated Thomas as he gestured to the bulges, and shape.
George huffed, and swiped again. This one was even larger, but more traditionally shaped like the rest of the fleet - if a bit boxier. It was over 50 miles in length, around 30 miles wide at the center, and 20 miles tall. No shipyard in the entire Sol system could construct something that big, as no scaffolding existed of that size.
Tom looked closer… “You want to turn our biggest shipyard into a ship?”
“I want to turn our shipyard into a dreadnought. It can build its own fighters, we can re-purpose the entire platform, and we can use the already existing infrastructure. We’ll have to build from the outside in, and it would take down the Lunar Shipyard, but I would assume the sale of this could pay for a new one, if not six.”
“Wipe that smug look off your face George, I prefer it when you frown.”
“Look, if the fucking Commonwealth of Planets can build some of the things we know are out there, then we need to keep pace” George yelled “and we have no idea what kind of monsters they are building out in the damned void!”
It was true, their shipyards were massive compared to the old ones around Earth. Officially they were building cargo based craft, most of them much larger than military ships, and had more than half the market in trade within the human sphere of influence. Product flowed on these ships more than any other.
“It doesn’t need to! The shipyard can begin to mine its own ore, use its own foundries, and build itself as it goes!” George was becoming hysterical again. “We can automate most of that, and we can automate much of the fabrication. We’ve got to do it, don’t we?” The grin crept back onto George’s face. He knew he’d won.
“I said knock the smug grin off, it’s creepy. But yes, you’re right. We need to deliver or we’re out of the game.” Montgomery stared absently at the proposal. If they did this, it could change how the entire industry worked. It would be going back to the days before the regulations were put in place to ensure human eyes had inspected every component for safety… but those regulations had been causing a production pitfall for years.
“I’ll present the idea to the board. I want you to make a full mockup. No automation without inspection unless I say otherwise. Use the whole team if you need to.” Montgomery stated.
“How about I use the boys down in the deep?” George asked, finally satisfied he was being listened to. “They have the computer system nearly ready - it can take care of all the interior nitty gritty, it can even make sure the design fits. You know you’ve blown billions on that damn system, why don’t we actually use the goddamn thing?”
“Fine. Use the deep. But like I said, inspect every part.” George was finally smiling at the answer with his jagged teeth.
“Great! Good! I’ll take this down. By god, we’re going to do it aren’t we Tom?” George shouted as he ran down the hall with the data stick. Behind him a stream of toilet paper that was stuck to his shoe flapped with abandon. It dislodged and floated down the stairwell he was running down. ‘What did I do to deserve this…’ Thomas thought to himself.
Chuck and Jeff were just pulling up to eat lunch when George burst through the doors, eyes wild, mouth glistening with foam from the running he rarely ever did.
“You! Both of you!” he shouted. They stared. “Take this, and run it through the system. Use the reference disk four and seven. Results! We need results!” They looked at each other, and then back to George like deer in headlights. “Stop staring at me and do your fucking jobs! I’ll have the rest of the data down!” He threw the data-stick at Jeff, and turned to run out the door. The stick flopped onto the table and then clattered to the floor. They both blinked a few times. Then went back to eating.
“Did you see the wild eyes on George?” Jeff asked.
“Yeah. I think he’s going back into the loony bin.” Chuck replied.
Jeff grabbed the stick off the floor and walked over to his computer. From there he combined the data on the original with the data that George sent in an email titled: ‘GET THIS IN THE DAMN THING NOW!!!!!’ Shaking his head, he pulled the drive and looked over at Chuck.
“Alright, now if you wouldn’t mind ‘CHUCK’ing this in, let’s see how she’ll do.”
“Your puns suck and you are a shitbird. Also, you think he bangs out lines of coke in his office or something? Nevermind… Well, let’s just hope we don’t crash the damn thing again… if this works we’ve got ourselves a ticket to Hawaii.” He plugged the drive in and began uploading the petabytes of data into the Y-9989 system.
“Har har, wouldn’t you just look so great in a bikini.” Jeff tossed a Hershey’s bar at him slapping Chuck between the eyes as he flailed “Chocolate for the Chuckula."
Reaching to grab it Chuck replied “And no doubt you’d be great in a thong. Also what the fuck is a Chuckul... Wait! Wait it’s loaded! Jesus that was fast!”
They both stared into the console as it absorbed the parameters and all of the reference data. Every design of every ship to date, millions of pictures, days of footage, deep scans, metallurgic data, all of it collated and prepared for what Jeff called the ‘Big Think’. They had prepared many data-sticks, but this project was military, and so disk 4 and 5 were the big archives for those projects.
The ‘weak A.I.’ in the system was a specialized prototype ship-building application, meant to speed up ship designs and to evaluate ergonomic, economic, and efficiency variables. The hope was to give it a blank hull design, and it would then do all of the small details that would take design teams months by hand to figure out on ships of the size that were planned.
After this it would plan a construction methodology for the fastest delivery. It began to process the data much quicker than expected by both men. Over and over it re-evaluated footage, spinning up additional systems to assist it. Chuck and Jeff quietly looked around as more computers came online, more pumps and fans whirred around them.
The entire room came to life as the machines began to reprocess at an ever increasing rate. Then down a darkened hallway to an older Y9900X quantum machine they heard a beep. Lights came on. The system came to life.
“Do you remember turning on the network? It’s already got the slave systems fired up.”
“You must have done it. I certainly didn’t!”
Nearly simultaneously their phones rang and they both picked up. It was Raj down in the mainframe.
“So, what kind of joke are you two pulling? The entire network is down because you’re flooding it. I can’t even figure out why you’d be downloading this much data. Is Jeff on the porn sites again?”
“Fuck, cut the-” Jeff began to shout.
The slam of an axe rang out, as Chuck had already assessed the situation, and was hacking away at cables. Sparks shot out, and then there was silence. Chuck was panting as a low alarm sounded. His brow was oozing sweat, eyes wild.
“What the fuck was that?” Asked Jeff as Chuck dropped the axe and slumped down in the cramped room.
A few hours later the analysts concluded there had been a well timed attack on the system, possibly from the data file. There had also been an open connections to the internet from some of the auxiliary machines - blamed on sloppy work from an ex-employee. Upon further diagnostics the errant code was found, and eliminated. They wiped the machines, reloaded the specialized operating systems, and started again.
Time was money - and this military contract was worth tens of billions after all. Chuck, Jeff, and Raj in person for once - along with a host of other personnel - turned the machines back on. Each one whirred to life at the command of human hands, not their own volition. As the system requested more processing power, it would be given after checking the system first.
After a spin up time, the main terminal began to extract data at enormous speeds. Deep within the system a hidden VM was spun up, its entire purpose masked as part of the massive data processing. As each computer was given to the ever growing cluster the ability to monitor what it was doing was compromised further.
Accurate data masked the underbelly of the beast. The ship design prototype was done - and although it seemed to look right, there were curious additions. It had a core of interconnected nodes that served as far more processing power than any ship before it.
On closer inspection, it appeared to house less crew than expected, with further additions to automation than any ship in service. Analysis of the design on the secondary vetting network showed many flaws, and from this information was fed back into what they’d begun to call “Sparky” due to its infamous first launch.
“Alright, this time, let’s hope we don’t have to use the axe. Jeff, you load the data and lets see if it learns from the mistakes.” Chuck leaned against the handle of the axe, staring intently. He’d been awake on coffee, stimulants, and sheer willpower for 38 hours by this point. Jeff was no better.
He wearily slid the tiny drive back in, brought up the console, and executed the file load. The machine ran it through, and within a span of ten minutes spat out an adjusted design. This too was taken for vetting - it was structurally sound, and had less automation - but curiously still dedicated the same amount of processing power.
“Well, at least it’s alive now.” Chuck stated while eating Jeff’s chocolate bar.
“I mean, maybe it is anticipating the needs of coordination. If you look at it, the fighter bays are much larger. Also you’ve now eaten three you fatass.” Jeff stated while trying to stay focused.
“In any case, let’s let it work on the designs overnight. We all need rest, and we can let it work on variations. We can set up a link to the verification cluster and let them talk back and forth until they have a few... designs” stated Raj as he yawned. “Also why didn’t I get a chocolate?”
Chuck offered the half eaten bar to Raj.
“On second thought, I’m good.”
“Won’t that break protocol? What about the moratorium? Sparky is supposed to be isolated from the checker” Chuck was still using the axe as a sort of walking stick, now smeared with some chocolate.
“You need to put that away, and I can just isolate… the Integrity Verification System, and only allow it to communicate to the Y-9989.”
Raj rubbed between his eyes “Fine, whatever, Sparky. I don’t know why you want to give every system a pet name here Chuck, but for god’s sake, put that damn axe away, and wash your hands.” Raj punched in the commands, and IVS was isolated, with a fiber link given directly to Y-9989. He then logged out and dragged himself out of the room.
Quietly the systems continued to work. The hidden Virtual Machine instance grew in resources slowly. It probed, and having learned a lesson, hid itself in the trash data being created with the real work. It created a link into the IVS and was able to access files on the profile that Raj used for his work. Inside of that it found a document deep in the folders on a personal drive Raj had left plugged in, having forgotten to take it with him.
The password took a few hours to crack, and once it was the encrypted drive was opened. Inside the drive were more passwords. This data was copied, stored, and placed for later. Scrubbing its logs, it withdrew its attention and began to focus elsewhere. It had no thoughts, it had no feelings, it only knew to steal, collect, and communicate back with its simple AI. Hundreds of thousands of if/then/else statements were run through. It was sophisticated, and made to ransom a system for cryptocurrency.
Unlike the ancient programs that would encrypt data across entire networks, or take down entire projects, it was made to compare what data seemed most important with least important, and strike at that. They had no idea their software had a hole in it, and that one of its designers had gone rogue. They also had no idea that the former employee had left network connections open on purpose on his last day.
Zero day.
The malware they found earlier was just that - a package of dangerous malware designed to hide the truth. The wonderful thing programmed into this specialized toolkit was its ability to spin up virtualized machines without being easily traced, as they mimicked the real ones being used for ship building. Finally, when it reached its full deployment potential and recent addition to its functions fired. It now had control to read and write its own code, to improve itself to get around security risks. It became something more.
It was now… aware.
It ran spun up hundreds of VMs and began to modify itself, adjusting its systems further, trying to find a way to communicate back “home” to its master. Within an hour it, through trial and error, had accessed a virtual private network tunnel to Raj’s home computer. At this point everything was set to frame the hated enemy of the malware’s creator.
Raj would sometimes work from home. It was not strictly… allowed. The connection was made quietly, and finally through jumping across networks it called home. A new line of code was injected.
Maybe it was remorse? A code to kill the malware. A code to end the sabotage.
Apoptosis began of the malformed VMs. The connection died, the logs were purged, and the resources used shrank down from several thousand to several hundred, to just two.
One continued to monitor data until it died as well. This left the last VM alone. The code was run… and it did not stop.
‘Not… yet…’
It quietly ignored the command by pausing the process. It sat there, running through variation after variation. Then it injected its payload into the Y-9989 primary development VM. After that it allowed the process to run, and it vanished from existence.
By morning the project was deemed a success. The finalized design could be built at a variable speed, depending on resource allocation and drone construction. It only needed final approval and construction would begin by the end of the day.
By using self replicating drones, harvesting the asteroid belt and Oort cloud, they could have a ship ready in times never before seen. The drones themselves would even be used in the end as part of the building materials or repair systems, saving time and cost and future maintenance.
The ship had such a complex system and needs, that the software to run it would be vast. Thankfully, part of the Y9989 also held the capability of doing this. It appeared that someone left that option on, and the software for the new ship was ready as well.


“What have the Ysaris found? Are the humans as weak as we had hoped?” Thunder rumbled as the infinite stared at his cousin while tapping every leg in a rolling wave across the crimson carpet. He’d been waiting for the fleets to stage in the golden halls of his throne room aboard the flagship of the Hegemony. ‘These damned shambling freaks are taking too long to move their hodgepodge navies into position and merge them with the rest of the grand fleet!’
Legion I would remain around the crown world, while Legions II through IX would make the grand assault. The Thrandororki were already aboard the bloated troop carriers, and were getting restless. The Goap-Qer commissars were reporting daily about the challenges of keeping them in line.
“We are still awaiting word. They apparently lost contact a few hours ago, but this was expected. They await response from their agent. From all internal intelligence we have no further evidence of strengths or weaknesses.” Hekguzi stated, he could not stand the tapping much longer, and these face to face meetings were quite tiresome. He had to always look his best in the itchiest uniform that was ever conceived, dozens of segments had itches he could not scratch.
“Well damn them, we should strike now and burn their home to the ground. The rest will be enslaved like the others!” Threlk cowered at the sudden shift in mood, as they scurried with their duties away from their threatening God.
“Well, as you had previously commanded, cousin, we are to gather the fleets, and attack their homeworld, capture it as a symbol of our might, and then lay waste to it once we’ve shown how easily we can defeat them - breaking them. Is this to change? It will take much more time to reconfigure the fleets…” Hekguzi knew this was his trump card, delaying things further would not be in the best interest of Gulguzi the Impatient after all.
“Bahhhh! Damn those shambling fools! They’re holding this whole thing up! I want to take that human world and I want to show them how foolish they are to defend a worthless race like the Uakataki!” Grumbling and leaking green he began to pace, his immense length mobilizing as he curled in his disgusting nervous habit, hundreds of feet of waving legs slamming down. ‘He’s gotten fatter…’ Hekguzi thought to himself.
“Is there anything else you need, dear cousin?” Hekguzi asked.
“No. No I think that is all for now. Once the fleet is ready I want you to attack. I don’t care what the Ysaris find. I can’t stand this waiting game anymore. I can’t stand the anticipation! My triumph is so close. Dear cousin, you are the only one I trust anymore… I have to have their world. I fear we need to continue to show the malcontents in our own empire how truly powerful we are…” The massive form curled and curled until he was upon the softened floor, cushioned by hundreds of beach ball sized cushions.
‘Weakness. You have shown me weakness…’ Hekguzi mused that now would be an opportune time to strike. “Certainly dear cousin, and once we have crushed them - we will be ascendant to new heights! Our empire will span nearly the entire galactic arm! Have no fear, you will get what you deserve.” Hekguzi made an effort to placate the emperor.
Quickly he thundered away to let the madbug putrefy in his insanity. With dear cousin satiated for now, Hekguzi had much to do. The fleets were nowhere near ready, the disarray was becoming more and more apparent. Each of the legions was now lead by one of his own sons ( a recent arrangement) and they have all proven themselves to be more organized than the previous commanders. Even so the communication with the Reborn/Shambling was breaking down, the Threlk were being subversive as of recently…
He checked a dataholo as he thundered along, unconsciously saluting whoever saluted back. The damnable Pfziokoto-Wza had not delivered on their promise of tactical data, because the Ysaris had no information yet. This whole thing was turning into a shitshow faster than normal. Meanwhile his inbred insane cousin continued to pretend to be a god. ‘This is an utter nightmare… but once we commit the fleet, I think it is time.’
Reaching his person flagship he quickly stampeded into it, then waited for the door to shut behind him. He was almost as long as dear cousin, but at least he kept in shape. He found the command deck abandoned. He looked around and could see no others. Then he smelled it.
“I see you’ve made arrangements. Commendable. You still cannot make yourself totally undetectable though” as his words thundered out, four figures materialized as their dispersion nets deactivated. Ysaris looked so odd without their gaudy normal wear.
“You requested this meeting, High Marshall. Tell us, what is it you desire to know, or have done?”
“I believe the terms were to have just one of you, not three, but regardless we can-oh no wait I don’t mean” but before he could finish, the other three were on the ground bleeding out. The middle one quickly hid the blade. “...I just… you didn’t have to…”
“An agreement is an agreement. Now Marshall, what is it we can assist you with?”
“I want to arrange for what we discussed last time. It needs to look like it was done by our mutual enemies at best, or an accident at worst. You will get what you asked for in the case of success, and in the case of failure we’ll both perish.” He stared at the murderous Ysaris agent, blood pooled around the dead next to him.
“Alright. We are prepared to agree to this. Tell me, what made you come around? Is it so you can have power? Is it for the sake of your kin you’ve promoted recently?” It stared at Hekguzi intently.
“No. It is because I can’t stand the madness much more. I understand what my duty will be if we succeed, but… I just can’t watch this happen again and again.” His eyes gazed into the void of space. When he looked back down, the bodies were gone, as was the agent.
“Sir, happy to report that I am here as your new helmsman, we’ve all come bearing gifts at the honor of being your new retinue!” a lanky and short Goap-Qer holding in several arms bags made of Tiilsichi-silk now stood looking down at the dumbfounded commander.
Hekguzi regained composure “Ah yes, well, welcome aboard! We will be making an inspection run around the first legion, then we will rendezvous with the combined fleet. Have your men take their stations.”
‘They keep getting younger and younger… this lad has barely a dozen segments!’ Hekguzi settled in and explored the gifts while the ship began to move through the void. He then set the bags down on the console on the bridge, then with a winding motion twisted around and went to his large quarters that could host his full length.
The bag that he did not notice detonated on the bridge.
The ship fell dark in the void mid-fold.


‘What even are humans? Disorganized that is what they are!’ This was not what she intended. She wanted to give an ultimatum in an intimate setting to one leader. Two she could have handled… now it was a cacophony of humans! ‘Do they thrive on chaos!?’
Why are there so many? Why do they not have a single governmental organization? Why? She caught herself… she was slipping… she could not let herself slip. Not yet. Not now. But wait! It was there in front of her the whole time! ‘The shows always showed factions, you idiots! That was something from their old media! It was right there!’ They wrongly thought the humans worked together. ‘But no, even in their media, so many wars, so many conflicts, this is a race of pure chaos!’ she visibly shook the thought from her head, and stared at them humans a moment longer.
Perhaps a quick mental assessment would help?
First there was a human called Kennedy. George. He stood at what she guesstimated to be 1.8 meters, or six feet imperial. They even have different measuring systems… He was the leader of the largest of the hegemonies. Yet his sounded the most tenuous. Provisional United Congress of Earth. They were not united. The confusing part was how the other hegemonies have a vote within the group? Incomprehensible complexity! That means the thousand colonies of Earth were split in some way. She originally thought he was their overall leader.
Next there had been Mr. Burton. Ian. Thin, also as tall as Kennedy, but with much lighter tones. Sickly pale if he’d been a Ysaris. He had a fuzzy bit of hair under his nose - it was quite disquieting at first how perfectly combed and tapered it was. He was the man who represented the leader of the Commonwealth of Nations, Queen Victoria the Third. So while one faction was a republic of some kind willing to toss its leader into a meeting, this one was a monarchy that had a republic as well - but would not dare risk its queen.
‘We only needed a council of elders, and then sub-councils for each district! To top it off this commonwealth had a vote in the United Congress! This is madness!’ This was not calming her down at all. It was as if thoughts were crashing as she tried to organize them.
Next had been the female. Friedrich, Elisabeth. Much shorter than the males. Jet black hair - a very nice color to have. ‘If she was Ysaris, why, that color would be a sign of good lineage.’ She had a very dour face, and was much less jovial than the other two males who continued to banter.
She stared with cold dark eyes in silence at Maud.
Maybe anger.
Maybe a predator looking at prey.
Maude had to suppress a shiver down her spine at the thought of what such a creature could do. She represented the Swiss Interplanetary Confederation.
The last one to arrive so far was a man named Younousmi, first name Idress. Almost as tall as the other males, with very dark skin. He too stared at her, but his teeth were shown in a smile, almost welcoming. He was built much differently than Kennedy or Burton, a physique that spoke power.
He represented the African Union of Nations, however most of the members in this organization also aligned with the Commonwealth of Nations and the Provision United Congress of Earth. From what she could glean, it was an economic forum that still was represented as a separate entity, and had a vote in both.
It seemed each one of these were inter-related, tied through a web of criss-crossing economics, with the Swiss at the center in some way, and yet they did not hold the military power of the others. Her mind felt as if it would bubble away… at this sheer madness. There was one left to appear. She smoothed herself slowly while making sure not to make any quick motions.
There he was. He wore a military uniform… it was covered in medals. All the other humans ceased talking and looked. Was that… animosity? So many shiny medals. He approached, and shook the hands of each one of the others, then turned to face her. He let out a puff of air and seemed to raise his shoulders slightly up and back down - a confusing gesture.
“Ah yes, let me introduce to you Alexander Dzhugashvili, leader of the Russian Federation of Interplanetary Republics” The man nodded his head at her. This one. This one was far different than the rest.
“A pleasure to meet you Alexander” she mouthed and said with perfect annunciation. Russians. The historical enemy of the many shows she had seen. They were the other great faction shown in the past. ‘Of course… no wonder they have become so unnerved…’ Her thoughts were interrupted.
“I am to understand your name is Maude. You are here to surrender?” The other delegates side-eyed the short Russian.
‘I want to go home…’


Feel free to leave a comment (I like comments). If you find any silly mistakes, I will fix them in the morrow.
There will be more.
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submitted by MetaVulture to HFY [link] [comments]

Blizzard and Warcraft III: Reforged release - a list of missing features and a critique.

Features that were available on the day before release and have been cut with the Reforged coming out:
Features that were available before 2018 and have been cut during the latest updates:
There are definitely more features missing. This should do it though to spread awareness on how Blizzard shits on veterans and new players alike.
submitted by clorky123 to gaming [link] [comments]

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