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Respect the Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who)


Respect the Doctor

"You may be a doctor, but I'm the Doctor. The definite article, you might say..."

The Doctor is a Time Lord, a member of an ancient and highly-advanced civilization from the planet Gallifrey. Long ago the Doctor violated the Time Lord's Doctrine of Non-Interference when he departed Gallifrey in a stolen Type 40 time capsule to explore all of time and space, usually alongside a companion. Where adventure resides, so did adversity; forcing the Doctor to step in and save the day through the power of intellect. Like all Time Lords, the Doctor has the ability to survive fatal injuries by changing every cell in his body, transforming it with a brand new physical appearance and personality.
In his fourth incarnation, the Doctor left his position as scientific advisor of U.N.I.T. to fully enjoy the freedom denied to his previous incarnation when the Time Lords exiled him to Earth. This incarnation was a fearless and flippant bohemian who greeted both friends and foes alike with his oddball humor and cheek, even when faced with mortal danger.

Source Key

Hover over a feat to view its source.
  • Doctor Who (1963) season # episode # = S#E#
  • The Day of the Doctor = 50th


Technological Aptitude
Understanding Technology
Using/Operating Technology
Building Technology
Modifying Technology
Repairing Technology
Disabling Technology
Persuasion, Manipulation & Trickery
Improvisation & Resourcefulness


Marksmanship & Accuracy

Physical Attributes

Time Lord Biology
Speed & Agility
Durability & Endurance

Mental Abilities

Mental Resistance & Willpower


"It's the end... but the moment has been prepared for."

submitted by Skulenta to respectthreads [link] [comments]

The Nature of the Divine

❖ Warning: This Audio file has been deemed High-obscura classified by Archmage [REDACTED] of the Grand Order of Tauisim. Reading of this text without acquiring the rank of Lord or by express decree of one of the 100 is punishable by an indeterminate internment within the [REDACTED] or a type-3 mindwipe and expulsion from the Grand Order of Tauisim. All readers are required to display Arcano-lock code φ-3072b or be subject to the aforementioned punishments... ❖
❖ Code Confirmed. Access to file 56,078,912,334, "The Nature of the Divine". May this knowledge be well kept and your mind be secured. ❖
"... Is... Is this on?... Yes?... Good, good, very good... Ahem... Greetings... to those of you who know not of who I am, I am Brother Artorus Kahl of the Church of Many Stars... well, I was Brother Artorus Kahl of the Church of Many Stars, but that doesn't matter right now, or at least in this year of 44.908.003 Foundation Year... probably. What-What does matter, is what I have come across in my... independent research on the nature of the divine. What I speak is actually a modernized version, and thus a continuation, of the secret works of one... Sister Ful'rin J'urnen... probably an Unar'ian based on the name, and the... runic symbols on the paper, and... the symbol of various... different gods. But anyways, what I have found seems to confirm a hunch that I've had for years on the more scientific aspects of the divine. Not just relating to the all benevolent celestials that our brothers and sisters pray to everyday in chapels and monuments across the Central Order, but even of those of other faiths, heretical or otherwise. What I have discovered has been rejected by the Church, unfortunately, due to the belief this might be true for the other powers. Since then, I have been on the run from more extreme aspects of the church and even by some hired mercenaries. I pray that I do not perish by their hand and spread this great knowledge to somewhere so it may be, at the very least, saved from those who wish to destroy it... what might this knowledge be about you might ask future listener. Well... it has to deal with belief... abstractions... and power."
"From my studies, belief is a mortal souls guide of its will that we form consciously towards something of value. How do I know this?... Well, it's simple psychology. But I seem to be implying that belief has a certain power that is "above" the soul itself. While it is true that we consciously control our belief, that does not mean we are above it, quite the opposite actually. Our souls are made of different parts, as is known, which is the living mind, the ethereal cord, and the spiritual conscious. The ethereal cord is like the highway from which information, power, and influence travels from one part of the soul to the other. While the living mind exists in our brain, the spiritual conscious resides in a higher reality. That is why you can't just "upload minds" into a computer without risking to break the bond and leaving the spiritual conscious to float into the heavens, nor take the conscious from the body without the living mind becoming inert. Since both affect each other, it can be concluded that when the body dies that our belief helps determine where the ethereal soul goes to reincarnate. However, if our notes are correct, than that might suggest that the power of our belief affects the world around us even in the material. Y-You see, since it is known that the clerics of the many orders of our church are among the most faithful of church. This... this is an open secret, that the Clerics use their almost unrivaled belief in our faith to become "gifted" with powers from the all benevolent celestial cause... At that point, most studies would come to a conclusion of our orders of devoted followers. But not mine... I believe there is more than just that aspect that explains how and why the clerics gain their powers. For I have seen through example, that while the gifts of the great celestial cause is powerful, it is to my dismay and others not a unique gift."
"Abstraction is the common belief of a mass of people, which is forged into a comprehensible being or entity. This is a well known fact of not only religion, but all facets of life... But I believe there is more to it than just this definition... Let me tell you... a story... In the year 44.907.987, I was assigned to lead a missionary expedition into Universe COM-152, on the lone planet of Athenos. I had never been to a compound universe before and had barely any knowledge of the so-called "Pantheon of the Thundermountain" as the local humans called their own faith. Three years into our missionary expedition, with nearly 56 million new converts, an insurrection rose up which was caused by a sect of Pact-Bearers to remove our presence from the world. While I was able to resolve it peacefully, there were certainly incidents of conflict. After my duty was done, I prepared to leave, but found something calling me. I found a paper scroll marked with the red star of the Pact-bearers, calling me to meet in private. Considering what had happened, I believed it to be a trap and made sure to bring guards with me on my visit. When we came to the ramshackle location, we were on-guard for battle and would fight to the death when the time came... at least, that was what I thought the guards thought. What I expected was a circle of dark magicians waiting to strike, but instead found none. Before we went to leave, I then felt a presence upon me. The guards fell asleep, despite the blessed amulets of protection I gave them, due to some spell of Tauic origin. It was then that I turned to face the man who "invited" me. I would not describe for I have no description of him, but it was clear he was infected with the phage of the ignorant, with most of his body becoming crystalized from the power of his soul. I prepared to fight with fist, but we would instead talked. He spoke to me about a hidden secret in our order and of some "true nature" of the gods and the Creator above all. He urged me investigate the library of Saint Abe and look for the mark of a nine rings. Before I could ask, the guards awoke and they were vengeful against the magician, who now stood still. Before I could spare his life, one of the guards fired a gauss bullet at the forehead of the magician, killing him instantly. I told them I was fine, but... in hindsight... I was not. In secret, I looked for a book that the unnamed mage described, and to my surprise I found it. It was the very text that was written by the now long-forgotten Sister Ful'rin J'urnen, which detailed the full nature of the Divine Realms from an outside view. I first thought of how heretical such a work was, to be placed in the Library and detail such horrid things as the Fiends and their hierarchy, the Old Ones and their horrors, the Astral and their many deceptions, and even the slight imperfections of the celestials... but... a strange interest took hold in me after finding this text. In Chapter 1, Paragraph 37, Sister Ful'rin J'urnen states the following: "Even if this text may be viewed, among many other things, false by the reader, I know an absolute truth. While the divine are all different in their own domains of Abstracta, they are always fueled by the same source. We are their source and those they favor become gifted with a speck of this energy that we give to the divine." This specific quote made me wonder this. What is it that we provide that every being of cosmic origin, from the great celestials to the blasphemous fiends of hell, seemingly needs to survive?"
"Power is the driving force of all things in-motion, this is true of even the gods... After my discovery, I decided to make a secret expedition on my own to find what this resource was. I went to the Ancient Kingdom galaxies of the Spirits, despite our disagreements. I went to the Garden worlds of the Aurian church, greeted with respect by the Unar'ians. I went to distant worlds, inside and out of the reach of the Central Order. I even found myself in the company of Pact-bearer warlocks, who were much different than I expected. And it was in these journeys that I found a common aspect in the faiths of all: Belief... Zealous, certain, and hardened belief. All of it pouring towards gods and goddesses, abstractions and living saints. I asked them all if they could show their gifts given, and I was more often than not allowed to see the powers of foreign clerics, priests, and zealous warriors. This... this... this made so much sense to me! Why had I not seen it sooner!?... After some further research into the other "creator races" as some scribes call them, I realized that every cosmic being of significant power desires worship of some kind. This is their food and drink, their lifeforce and vigor, their very essence. But it is not we that directly feeds them, it is the Abstracta that each of them holds. Each and everyone of these creator races, no matter how powerful, feeds of the Abstracta of their primary deity. Sure, they may eat literal food, but that only provides minimal sustenance even on a grand scale. It is our will, our faith, our very belief in their existence and power that they survive on. Without it, they are little more than ideas supported by not a single living being. Of course, they all started out with some fuel in the beginning, but that was all they needed at the time before beings such as us came into being. I have heard that beings such as Titans and... whatever dragons are, have taken more mortal forms to avoid this while being such as elementals aren't entirely applicable to this restriction. However, the point still stands that the great divine beings we worship are in-fact feeding off of this worship we give them. What does this mean for us mortal beings?... Well... not much. As far as I can tell, this is at worst a sacrifice of time and effort for the benefit of beings we barely understand and at best a symbiotic relationship between two groups of beings who need each other to exist. However, most are more pessimistic in their beliefs are more often those who take this negatively rather than positively. When I returned to the library of Saint Abe, I found I was expelled from the Church for heresy of a kind I was told not of. I feigned that I understood, but in-fact I did not and was left with more questions than answers. After that day, the assassins began to show up... and when the questions showed answers... and the answers were horrifying."
"Abstraction equals belief, belief equals power, power equals abstraction... that is the cycle of things."
"In short time, I shall be greeted by the mages of the Grand Order of Tauisim so that I may report of the crimes being committed by the church and reveal the truth of the divine... But... in the case I die... I ask the one request that I desire be fulfilled: Do not destroy this information, preserve it in the name of the benevolent host... preserve it for me..."
A door opens
"Oh! You're early. Welcome to my abode gentlemen. Mind for some- uh, just a moment let me- excuse me, don't touch-"
Audio Ends
???: "So... this is the audio file that this exiled brother of the Church of Many Stars created, yes?"
???: "Of course, high archmage [REDACTED]. It details the true nature of the creator races and their influence over the material."
Archmage: "Isn't such knowledge of incursions, gifts, and abstract concepts available to the students and others of such status."
???: "Of course, archmage. But this file details a deeper truth that I believe that we are not ready for the public, let alone a majority of our order to fully comprehend without due warning."
Archmage: "If you believe this, [REDACTED], then why did you not destroy it among other potential info-hazards?"
???: "It was his last wish that this work be preserved. Considering his fate, I believe that to show some respect we should honor this wish."
Archmage: "Hmm... I concur... It is not often that the Church interacts directly with the creator races, at those not of origin of the Divine Family. So it would be wise if this record be preserved. Besides, there might be a day when we are ready for the full truth."
???: "I understand your optimisim, but I am not so sympathetic with this cause simply due to the current and future states of what is known. The public, while understanding of basic facts of the beyond, still knows only the tip of the iceberg of knowledge we know. Even if we released it one part at a time, each release of information could be cause for concern and could even cause upheavel of the finely crafted structure of our-"
Archmage: "I know your concern yes, but I am not afraid... I do not expect to live that long to see the day, let alone my species. I am already over 2,000 years old and getting older. Even with the life extension options we have acquired in this age of rediscovery our lives are still short beyond compare."
???: "I also concur... my species nears extinction, threatened by the growing resurgence of Mechani and of a strange race of space pirates. I accept that we are near our end, and despite my protests against our doom I understand that it shall be the duties of future generations to figure out what we leave behind."
Archmage: "Yes... we all live in a cycle of birth, life, death, and renewal. Despite the act of genocide being illegal in the Center of Law, all species must face that they are all mortal and will die off one day... Perhaps when I am dead, this file shall be forgotten for all time and the veil of secrecy shall remain unlifted... that or it shall be shown as soon as my two hearts stop beating... both are equally likely."
???: "Yes... farewell... archmage... May this knowledge be well kept and your mind be secured... for all of time."
submitted by Benster_ninja to TheVerseSetting [link] [comments]

I want to get off Mad Ahab's Wild Ride. Continuing my commentary on Moby Dick with chapters 25-36. We are officially defying the gods.

Original post, with commentaries on the first 9 chapters
Commentaries on chapters 10-24
Ishmael still isn't done beating his advocacy pulpit. He's run his mouth so much that he's hungry, talking about coronation rituals with salt and castor and salad oil—oil as intellectual lubricant, "sperm oil in its unmanufactured, unpolluted state, the sweetest of all oils", the one case where people can use non-medicinal hair oil and not consign themselves to mediocrity and contempt. Yet anointment is a staple of Christianity, supposed to be used in baptisms and meant to ward off evil and demons; perhaps it is a bad omen for common folk to be visibly anointed, since people don't like to be reminded of their own fallibility and prefer to pretend they are self-reliant.
After declaring that whalemen are integral to coronations, Ishmael is finally done, and introduces chief mate Starbuck to us. Starbuck is a man of great vitality, managing his trauma through fortitude that doesn't flag in any clime and through caution that treats some superstition as rational and courage as a tool dangerous in excess:
I will have no man in my boat who is not afraid of a whale.
This caution is a compromise: he wants to return safely to his "young Cape wife and child", but can't imagine forsaking the business of whaling, despite its traumatic effects on him being visible to Ishmael. Maybe both despite and because of that, since Starbuck lost his father and brother to whaling; there is a timebomb in him, due to his bravery being weak to spiritual terrors "which sometimes menace you from the concentrating brow of an enraged and mighty man."
Ishmael would be loath to write about "the complete abasement of poor Starbuck's fortitude" were it to happen, because
man, in the ideal, is so noble and so sparkling, such a grand and glowing creature, that over any ignominious blemish in him all his fellows should run to throw their costliest robes
—yet this chapter exposes such a blemish while claiming it won't be relevant. How would Ishmael even know about it?
For Ishmael, something essential in each of us bleeds at the exposure of ignominy in another, because the valor ruined by such exposure is "that abounding dignity which has no robed investiture"—the strength of the soul, accessible to commoners, the foundation of democracy, which any man, no matter how mired in grief or sin, can use to "lift himself to the exalted mounts", and Ishmael vows to robe such men in "ethereal light", as if he's a prophet who can say whom God has championed. My man went straight from advocating for whaling to advocating for humanity, but not even treating his position as objectionable—and he built his case around Starbuck, whose only apparent weakness is to the spiritual assault of an authority figure that would cave in his integrity and his democratic dignity.
Starbuck is a reliable, worldly man, but limited by his resignation to what he takes to be his place; he doesn't strive for more, not to defeat a vicious whale and not to stand up against a domineering man, so the source of his competence is the seed of his downfall. Losing people to whaling accidents stripped Starbuck of the trust in himself to act with integrity and boldness in crisis situations, boldness being taken for recklessness—not a terrible position for a man who just wants to earn an honest living for his family, but with how unpredictable profits from whaling voyages can be, this isn't a stable career suitable for someone who wishes to be content with their lot in life or who is excessively aware of how little control they have over nature at her worst. Ishmael frames Starbucks' timebomb as a "fall of valour", but I think it would be the revelation of the lack of valor in that area, contrary to Ishmael's grandiose optimism about human greatness. In his effort to defend democratic principles, Ishmael's framing only betrays the flaws of democratic ideals—above all, the fact that they're ideals, requiring great pretension to present them as widely fulfilled.
Ishmael doesn't even try to throw robes over man's flaws; he prefaces that optimism with "Men may seem detestable as joint stock-companies and nations; knaves, fools, and murderers there may be", the world wicked in all meridians. The appearance of such blemishes, quite real before becoming visible, is taken as an offense to piety, which amounts to blaming God for Adam and Eve's decision to sin and thereby plunge mankind into unfulfillable debt. But this is all overlooking the nobility of the man who accepts the thankless responsibility to preach truth and virtue, as Father Mapple and Jonah before him did, and as Queequeg did upon realizing that this is a joint-stock world (rather than companies, which economizes the original sin and implicitly treats salvation as competitive and zero-sum) that should encourage pagans and Christians alike to look out for each other.
This chapter is conspicuously devoid of any moral judgments about Starbuck, narrowly brushing past them wherever they could be brought up naturally. Ishmael rather focuses on the equality of men in their God-given opportunities to rise above each other in their roles in providence—Bunyan, Cervantes, Jackson—even though democracy is a collective affair and any man's ascendance is predicated at the very least on its validation through others' recognition and sanction, and almost always on the social, spiritual, and physical resources that are needed from others along any path to nobility.
Starbuck doesn't need an ornate robe thrown over his flaws; he needs a friend who can show him how to realize and navigate his flaws so he doesn't make any despair-inducing decisions when his timebomb detonates and someone like Ahab commands something unreasonable of him. And Ishmael would probably do well to not project his ideals and aspirations onto others; he ends up saying more about himself than the characters when he does so.
CHAPTERS 27&28&29
Ishmael introduces second mate Stubb, who poses a stark contrast to the overcautious Starbuck in having a carefree, cheerful, fearless—though not valiant—demeanor, like that of a carpenter:
He would hum over his old rigadig tunes while flank and flank with the most exasperated monster.
Ishmael figures that Stubb's carefreeness comes from his addiction to smoking on his pipes, the smoke acting as a sort of counter-miasma "against all mortal tribulations". Stubb is go-with-the-flow even about death, but Ishmael believes he sees death as a call upwards, whose contents would only be known when he obeyed the order—and he was neither hurrying nor hesitating toward that call.
Careless, not but boldly reckless like the third mate, Flask, whose vitriol toward all whales reduced them in his eyes to "a species of magnified mouse, requiring only a little circumvention and some small application of time and trouble in order to kill and boil." Starbuck must not have a say in Flask's presence; Stubb's a liability enough, but Flask's utter lack of reverence and mystification can't possibly end well. Not only is Flask openly motivated by spite, but he has fun on the voyages that probably bore others to death; he's built "to clinch tight and last long", to brace the ship against nature's onslaughts—but Ishmael doesn't acknowledge what a hazard his attitude is.
The three mates are very different men, ranging from careful to carefree to reckless, and each serves as a knight with one of the harpooneers as his squire: Starbuck with Queequeg; Stubb with Tashtego, a Native who traded his father's bow and arrow for the harpoon; and Flask with Daggoo, a giant of imposing humility. The harpooneers have each been hunters in some form since their youth, and retain their native customs because they haven't spent enough time on land to integrate into American or other culture, whereas the officers are American-born.
The Pequod is a miniature of Hobbes' Leviathan mentioned in the extracts, a diverse mixture of men marshalled by Ahab, American-born sailors providing the brains and everyone else supplying the muscle. Whaling may be a staple of the American economy in this time frame, but it wouldn't be so without the many, many non-Americans onboarded for the opportunities whaling provides. Even if it's a dangerous, unreliable career, and your credit will go to the shareholders and officers, it's a legitimate investment if your prospects are limited by illiteracy, non-acculturation, and lack of education.
All these whalers are "federated along one keel" "to lay the world’s grievances before that bar from which not very many of them ever come back." They're united by their quest to slay whales, but each man has a very different relationship with the whales, whether as receptacles for monstrous projections whereby to eradicate the monstrosity so projected, or as mere paychecks, or as rats to enjoy exterminating, or as harbingers of God's wrath—as creatures through which to rebel against God while clinging to piety.
At last, Ishmael introduces Ahab, who delivers vicarious orders through the mates while continuing to brood, while Ishmael can no longer suppress his suspicions—though it's well too late to back out now. During a gloomy morning of the Pequod's latitudinal descent, Ahab appears to the crew, appears "like a man cut away from the stake", which I'm interpreting as his hellfiery executors (the whale's jaws of despair) changing their minds and sparing him, leaving him with a decocted body of "solid bronze", like Cellini's cast of Perseus (depicted holding Medusa's head).
Ahab has a scar that may be a head-to-toe—man's reach from Earth or hell to heaven, I suppose—birthmark or the brand of lightning—the crew doesn't speculate much about it, nor can those who do—with zero basis—agree. Ahab replaced his leg, lost all the way over by Japan, with a peg carved from a sperm whale jawbone.
Ahab is silent as he looks over his crew, and unease seizes all under his "troubled master-eye"—there is "crucifixion in his face", that of bearing with dignity an immeasurable and fatal woe. What makes a noble hero tragic is first that they bring upon their own downfall somehow, but second that they bear a superhuman load of trauma before buckling. Ahab is then seen every day, his presence longer each time, as the foul winter weather departs, although he is still unneeded so long as there's no whaling to be done. The clouds themselves settle on his brow, as though he were a great mountain or Atlas shouldering the sky.
Ishmael implies that the sunny weather alone is what lifts Ahab's mood, but it could well be that the ship is getting palpably closer to the whales, to the whale, which must be on Ahab's mind every waking and sleeping second. The now-vernal days are "warmly cool, clear, ringing, perfumed, overflowing, redundant"—that sounds like Ishmael trying in vain to milk all the hope he can from the now-realized imagery that Bildad left him with, and even looking forward to some action.
The tropics bring to them dazzling nights that wring out memories as frigid, clear crystals, and Ahab is out of his cabin more than in it because it feels like a tomb and he must be having nightmares too. Ahab barely sleeps, but despite his restlessness, is often considerate of how his heavy steps would keep people below from sleeping.
When Stubb insults Ahab within earshot, suggesting there be a way to muffle his steps, Ahab, indignant, asks if he's a cannonball, but is willing to brush it off, dismissing Stubb to his "nightly grave" like a dog to the kennel. Stubb argues back, but can't stand his ground against the fearsome captain, and departs, monologuing an existential crisis, deliberating retaliation against or prayer for Ahab—Stubb isn't pious; Ahab even put the fear of God into Stubb. Stubb suspects Ahab holds late clandestine meetings; that might be noteworthy.
Ahab calls for his pipe, and realizes that smoking no longer soothes, that his nervous puffing resembles the plumes of a dying whale, "the strongest and fullest of trouble," so he discards it overboard. The pipe is meant for serenity, like that of Stubb or a mild elder, like whom Ahab is neither. On this day, the puffs blew back in his face against the wind, which other men may have found undignified, but which unlikely perturbed Ahab, despite his royal bearings on his ivory stool. Throwing away the pipe may have been impulse from a mild inconvenience, or a decision to not let smoking dull his fire, or disgust at the pipe reminding him of his own mortality—or all three.
The next morning, Stubb tells Flask about a bizarre dream he had, where Ahab kicked him with his ivory peg, and Stubb trying to kick the captain in retaliation but only hurt himself, as though he were attacking a "cursed pyramid"—the most imposing, unassailable tomb ever built. Stubb rationalized that getting kicked by a dead appendage wasn't so bad, as "there’s a mighty difference between a living thump and a dead thump." While kicking in vain, he's accosted by a "badger-haired old merman, with a hump on his back"—sperm whales have small humps on their backs, and badgers (known for toughness and aggression) can have "iron-grey" hair like Ahab, so I figure this merman is a mixture of the two.
Stubb threatens to kick even him, backing off after seeing spikes lodged in the merman's back—a sperm whale could endure with harpoons buried in non-vital areas. The merman convinces Stubb to stop his pettiness, because the merman considers it a wisening honor to be kicked by that ivory leg—implying that this is the whale appearing in a dream with great respect for Ahab that he imparts onto Stubb, who, concluding his reminiscence, declares it best to ignore Ahab from now on. Right then, the first whales are spotted at sea, with a caveat: "If ye see a white one, split your lungs for him!"
Now that the first whales have been sighted, Ishmael starts to lay out his blueprint for a science of whales, a "classification of the constituents of a chaos"—on top of their divine and sublime qualities, whales have thwarted naturalists, philosophers, and shipmen alike to try to capture them in thought, but their great size has made the the object of many such attempts by figures as diverse as "Authors of the Bible" (isn't it weird for him to not think the Bible was written by God?), Scoresby, Aristotle, and Linnaeus. The list of whale-authors Ishmael provides shows just how much work he laid upon the sub-sub in the extracts.
Ishmael regards Scoresby as the leading expert on Greenland (bowhead) whales, the "usurper upon the throne of the seas", taking offense to the bowhead whale's status, established and perpetuated through traditions of poetic allusions to such whales, because the sperm whale, no matter how shrouded in obscurity and fable, is the proper monarch of the sea. It's Ishmael's goal to be the first author to breathe life to the sperm whale, the only two reliable accounts then-extant about the whales being "mostly confined to scientific description".
It seems almost like Ishmael is setting out this taxonomy primarily to accentuate the sperm whale at the head as the leviathan of leviathans; he doesn't even concern himself with the completeness of the program he lays out, "because any human thing supposed to be complete, must for that very reason infallibly be faulty." But even trying to map the contours of a cetology is a monumental effort, equal for Ishmael to having "one’s hands among the unspeakable foundations, ribs, and very pelvis of the world", which is ironic because the fact that whales surface proves that they need to breathe, and, having limited lung capacity, can't swim into the abyss unless it is shallow—and then it's not an abyss!
Ishmael's cetology tries to capture and thereby control—to bind this "chaos" in a rigid, hierarchical order—God's power incarnated in these sea-beasts. "Behold the hope of him is vain!" He cites reasons for whales not being fish, "waiving all argument" and declaring the matter settled—even though whales' vertical swimming, lungs, and warm blood, like those of other mammals, vs fishes' horizontal swimming, non-lungs, and cold blood is damning evidence in evolutionary biology, which Darwin was then hard at work laying the modern foundations of—, happily defining the whale as "a spouting fish with a horizontal tail" simply because nothing else he knows of fits that description: fishes don't spout and walruses can move on land. Ishmael's criteria for what counts as a whale are rather arbitrary, letting anything "the best-informed Nantucketers" regard as whales count as whales—despite having given a definition with unambiguous criteria—and excluding some fish not just for lacking spouts, but for being "noisy, contemptible".
The cetology program is divided into three books for tiers of size, subdivided into chapters for species, selecting as mascots for each tier the sperm whale (folio), the grampus (octavo), and the porpoise (duodecimo). True to form, Ishmael starts with glorifying the sperm whale as the most formidable, majestic, lucrative, and large whale—and, by extension, organism—on Earth, but ends with the note that the sperm whale's name comes from a mixture of a popular misconception that the oil is that "quickening humor" found in bowhead whales, and of the term's retention by drug dealers from back when spermacetti was a precious commodity used for medicine, retention to "enhance its value by a notion so strangely significant of its scarcity." The sperm whale's overratedness is built into its philology, which Ishmael recognizes but merely dismisses as "absurd" instead of seeing irony—and he's otherwise in a comedic mood in this chapter.
The powers of hearsay, abstraction, erudition, and convenient assumptions (conflating the bowhead and right whales, which are now recognized as different species) allow Ishmael to recognize in many different names one and the same whale in each chapter. The finback whale (which can grow up to 90 feet long, longer than any confirmed sperm whale) is characterized as misanthropic, elusive, and reclusive, as "the banished and unconquerable Cain of his race", and is conflated with other whales whose bones are harvested on the basis of similarities in hump, back-fin, teeth, and baleen—these traits strike Ishmael as the obvious discriminators to categorize whales, but he admits that "it is in vain to attempt a clear classification of the Leviathan" around these traits.
This ungeneralizable heterogeneity has thwarted whale-naturalists, but even if any had the flexibility to realize that such differentiable traits weren't a sound basis for a taxonomy, the tools (of dissection and concept) to pursue stronger leads were inaccessible to them. Half-recognizing this, Ishmael proceeds boldly under the pretense that his way is the only "practicable" program. The folio book concludes with sulphur-bottom whales, which are in fact blue whales, and which Ishmael speculates with no trace of sarcasm got their "brimstone belly" by "scraping along the Tartarian tiles in some of [their] profoundest divings"—what lung capacity to manage a descent to hell!
Folio and octavo book formats have similar proportions despite differing in size, whereas quarto, the size between them, doesn't preserve their shape. Although Ishmael wants to show that octavo whales are like folios, simply smaller, skipping quarto emphasizes the gap in size. The octavo whales have distinct superstitions: grampuses portend sperm whales, hyena whales bear an "everlasting Mephistophelean grin", narwhals are "sinister" (left-handed or witchy) unicorns, and orcas are killers like all of us.
Ishmael's knowledge is heavily skewed by his agendas and limitations. He does seem to be committed to thoroughness while knowing his blueprint is woefully incomplete, and adds "a rabble of uncertain, fugitive, half-fabulous whales" for later investigators to fit into his system, and glosses over mentions of whales in ancient texts, "suspecting them for mere sounds, full of Leviathanism, but signifying nothing."
Since this novel symbolizes whales as God's wrath (fury motivated by justice), and because Ishmael narrates as the survivor of a shipwreck, probably having seen the literal jaws of death several times, and because Ishmael had been struggling with his faith since before he boarded the Pequod, and since the Shakespeare reference feels out-of-place, it's all the more fitting—now finished laying out his cetology, many of the connections Ishmael has formed about them must be fresh on his mind, and some of those connections weigh heavily.
Because Ishmael leaves this blueprint for his successors, it seems to be his vie for transcendence, not quite immortality, but something to leave when his body rots and his soul is silenced, for "grand [architects], true ones, ever leave the copestone to posterity"—a lot of grandiosity to cover the fact that Ishmael has no idea what he's doing, stuck in a lifelong obsession that didn't grant him wisdom, worldliness, or even legitimate knowledge.
I highly doubt Melville, these connections made, supported the cetology he has Ishmael voice, especially because he had access to Darwin's notes from his Beagle voyage, notes that included existentially unsettling musings about the origin of species: their malleability, diversity, and adaptations, musings that had to be born of overwhelming evidence because Darwin was an orthodox Christian, unlike Ishmael.
In the history of whaling, command of the ship used to be divided between the captain, tasked with "the navigation and general management of the vessel", and the specksynder or chief harpooneer, in charge of "the whale-hunting department and all its concerns". By the present, the latter's dignity had been reduced, and the harpooneer's command confined to "night watches on a whaling ground", but due to their importance for whaling voyages' profits, harpooneers were given the boarding of officers, set apart from the crewmen despite being their "social equal".
Many captains used the rigid social norms normal to whaling ships to parade themselves around like emperors, and although Ahab "was the least given to that sort of shallow assumption", even he exploited his privileges of "practical, available supremacy over other men", the "irresistible dictatorship" that almost all in positions of unchecked power inevitably succumb to, and that are only possible through the "external arts and entrenchments" established to situate authorities and exempt them from "the world's hustings", from debate, election, and even accountability.
For Ishmael, dictators earn the highest honor due to their fallibility compared to "the choice hidden handful of the Divine Inert", which I take to mean saints with principles of faith and justice that are unmoved by anything material or at "the dead level of the mass", over which it is no great honor to reign. Ahab is no saint, despite and probably due to his "moral indomitableness", which is a trait that saints have, but there's no indication that Ahab's is buttressed by principles: he's not a pious or God-fearing, and he's willing to exploit his powers for selfish and unstated ends, and this novel promises to end in disaster—were Ahab a saint, he wouldn't bring tragedy that would make it into the history books; he would have a stable, respectable, and unassuming life and career.
The dinner ritual has a fixed structure: the dough-boy summons Ahab, who summons Starbuck and goes to the diner, who waits a minute and summons Stubb and goes to the diner, who waits a minute and summons Flask and goes to the diner, who breaks into a mocking dance when the officers are gone before donning his expected persona and going to the diner. "Wherefore this difference? A problem? Perhaps not." A harmless, or rather impotent, bit of rebellion against the dictator whose supremacy is doubled as the head of the diner.
Who has but once dined his friends, has tasted what it is to be Caesar. It is a witchery of social czarship which there is no withstanding.
The order of entering the diner and eating is upheld because otherwise the balance of power could tilt—and remind everyone that power is nothing more than an agreement between the ruler, the ruled, and the relevant infrastructure—, which could be awkward or worse. A great king eating at a host's house would be during that meal second in power to the host. The officers treat Ahab like a stern father, themselves as "warlike but still deferential cubs". The weight of the hierarchy renders these "solemn meals, eaten in awful silence", despite silence not being enforced; the officers simply mirror Ahab's own refusal to speak—wait, wait, Ishmael isn't allowed down here, so how does he know what's going on in the dinner ritual? Did he sneak in? Get promoted? (That seems unthinkable with his experience and temperament.) Fabricate all of this?
Ishmael assumes that Flask could but wouldn't help himself to better portions than he was directly offered, wouldn't because "never more would he have been able to hold his head up in this honest world" and could because "Ahab never forbade him". Because the officers leave in inverse order, Flask barely has time to eat, and "once admitted in private"—to Ishmael? to someone Ishmael overheard?—that his hunger was permanent; even as a crewman he'd eaten better.
Flask is in the awkward position of being at the bottom rung of the upper class, almost ascetic in his timidity to test his boundaries. "There’s the fruits of promotion now; there’s the vanity of glory: there’s the insanity of life!" Yet Flask has no complaints about the added responsibility or other possible difficulties of being an officer, just that he doesn't feel that he's allowed to eat well. Ishmael tattles on how he figured out the details of the dinner ritual: it's easy enough for a sailor to peep into the aft cabin, but he says the only motivation for doing so would be if a sailor had a grudge against him—it's not clear whether the pity this peep would produce would be sadistic or understanding, but Ishmael seems not to dislike Flask.
When the officers cleared out, the harpooneers took their place with a "frantic democracy" of barbaric consumption, bullying the dough-boy for fun into constant fear and respecting no etiquette. There is some contrast between Queequeg, the sadistic Tashtego, and the moderate Daggoo, the latter having to sit on the floor so his "hearse-plumed head" doesn't bonk the ceiling—hearse-plumes adorn horse-drawn funeral processions, a stark cultural contrast. The dough-boy has a physically easy job that he can't have imagined would be so mentally taxing. Ahab clung to the mutually alienating belief that the cabin belonged to him, and that the mates and harpooneers were as doors that briefly turn in to enter their house while, "as a permanent thing, residing in the open air."
Ishmael compares Ahab to a grizzly bear, his soul, "shut up in the caved trunk of his body", hibernating and eating away at the fat reserves of his gloom in the winter of his heart—one step past a damp, drizzly November, his shelter from the elements—the turbulence of connection—all the more isolating. This is a moody, hard-hearted man with the mental and physical conditions to use people as tools on a whim, and none would have the guts to mutiny against him.
Ishmael gets his first lookout duty and compares being atop the ship to being an astronomer on a pyramid—the Egyptians' pyramids being, for Ishmael, the original documented mast-heads, even if older civilizations may have had similar designs—; or a statue atop its pillar, the imposing historical figure it represents no longer vigilant, and silent with their secrets even if their visions would be worth sharing; or an early Nantucket shoreside watchtower waiting to direct moored, ready boats. All of these being obsolete, the whaleship mast-head stands as the one true mast-head, situating a whaler at the summit of the vast expanse of sea to be attentive from the time the ship departs to the time it either docks or is saturated, not one vial left empty—a dogged determination to maximize profits, which befits every man to adhere to because his stake in the whaling voyage is his share in the profits of the whale parts harvested.
The mast-head is unhomely, lacking a crow's nest or any comfortable amenities to cloister—as a corpse in a hearse or Father Mapple in his pulpit—oneself from the elements and the panoramic view of the sea, but that view is blissful, especially in calm tropical weather, where a sailor can lose himself in the timeless, placeless sprawl, a "sublime uneventfulness" with no concern for stock markets, sensational news, or where to find the next meal—Ishmael may not be motivated by profit, but the draw of free food may be a greater motive than he acknowledged.
The Sleet's crow's nest is described in longing detail, Ishmael torn between wanting one and considering the view in its absence to more than compensate for the discomfort. The mast-head is a bridge between man and the stars, the skies, and the seas—yet it is the waters in which sailors lose themselves rather than the skies, which serve rather to guide and orient them, courtesy of the arts of navigation.
After admitting that he shirked his duties of being attentive at the mast-head, Ishmael cautions whalers against hiring people like himself: "For nowadays, the whale-fishery furnishes an asylum for many romantic, melancholy, and absent-minded young men, disgusted with the carking cares of earth, and seeking sentiment in tar and blubber." Way to tell on yourself. The discomfort of the mast-head should be a constant reminder to stay on-task for your two-hour shifts; maybe a crow's nest would've been a wise investment. With it, Ishmael wouldn't be able to fantasize about being a colossus or saintly stargazer.
Also, Sleet is clearly Scoresby; the real crow's nest was invented by father Scoresby with help from son Scoresby; it's no more arrogant to name your patents after yourself than your children, and I'd say far less so. Might there be an Ishmael Sr.?, maybe a drunkard and a whaler? Ishmael took on a mocking tone when saying that Sleet forgot to mention the alcohol that should've been his friend and comforter at the summit of the watery world.
Ishmael blames his incompetence on his education—Plato's Phaedo, on the immortal life and memory of the soul, instead of Bowditch's navigation handbook foremost in his mind—and his short-sightedness instead of his lack of discipline, even though he's here to marvel at whales. But what good is vision on such incomprehensible constituents of chaos, where "every dimly-discovered, uprising fin of some undiscernible form" is inextricable from the oceanic soul it's born from and borne through, as we and all things living are through the ungraspable and bottomless sea of God—the very sight of the unobstructed expanse dissolves and diffuses Ishmael's identity until he startles himself back to reality, or even tumbles overboard to reunite with his source amidst the leviathanic phantoms he's making a lot of excuses not to look for. Moby Dick itself could've swam by and Ishmael would've missed it.
Ahab's pacing is so frequent and intense that it leaves signature dents, but his thinking is more-so in "the foot-prints of his one unsleeping, ever-pacing thought" that it leaves on his brow, ribbed and weighed down by the weight of the sky and that of the sea—that of the whale that dismasted him, surely. Stubb sees a change hatching in Ahab, and hatch it does in the evening: the previous chapter established that manning the mast-head at all times is almost ritualistic for whaleships, but here, Ahab summons everyone, "an order seldom or never given on ship-board except in some extraordinary case." The crew is rightly anxious, seeing the storm brewing in the man, and Ahab lets that anxiety marinate until he's collected his thoughts or resolve enough for a speech.
He exhorts the crew to recite the tenets of whaling:
"What do ye do when ye see a whale, men?" "Sing out for him!"
"And what do ye next, men?" "Lower away, and after him!"
"And what tune is it ye pull to, men?" "A dead whale or a stove boat!"
For enough men to know these lines to be able to create such a singular chorus, they must be standard, whether to Ahab's ship—if most of these shipmen be returnees loyal to the captain—or to a manual most whalers ought to be acquainted with. Satisfied with the impulsive and unified replies, Ahab offers a gold coin worth ~$530 in today's currency to "Whosoever of ye raises me a white-headed whale with a wrinkled brow and a crooked jaw"—this sends the men into a frenzy, but the three harpooneers are particularly interested. Tashtego gets Ahab to confess at last that he's after Moby Dick, the whale, and that's why we're here, readers and characters alike. Each of the harpooneers cites peculiar details about the whale that Ahab affirms; each of them has encountered the white whale up-close and lived to tell the tale. Starbuck gets Ahab to confirm that it was none other than Moby Dick that "razeed" him, and that this is a revenge quest.
Ahab vows to chase the whale "round perdition’s flames" "till he spouts black blood and rolls fin out"—and he's dragging all the whalers along the journey with him, himself unmotivated by money but earning the whalers' unity on this undertaking with his incredible charisma—even reading his speech is exciting—and the gold coin. Starbuck, the voice of reason, reminds Ahab that they're here to work, that this whale won't pay for the voyage by itself—though that if they cross it, he's happy to face its jaws of death to harvest it, probably treating it as a rather ordinary whale—, and Ahab pounds his chest, declaring that the vengeance will "fetch a great premium" for his heart. Stubb muses that his chest "rings most vast, but hollow"—that Ahab has let his outward revenge altogether replace inward substance despite there being immense capacity in him to harbor such substance, whether of profit or connection.
When Starbuck is taken aback at Ahab's "Vengence on a dumb brute", Ahab channels Ishmael's Platonism, seeing in the monster the wall imprisoning and masking all phenomena, the masks being unreasoning but undergirded and shaped by some reasoning enigma:
If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me.
This is Ahab's quest for transcendence, projected onto a concrete object and delivered with compelling charisma, weaving the concept of fairness into the reason cohering the world so he can exploit the former to justify vengeance against the latter:
I’d strike the sun if it insulted me. For could the sun do that, then could I do the other; since there is ever a sort of fair play herein, jealousy presiding over all creations.
Ahab is the indomitable nobility of the human spirit and the emptiness that befalls who tries to realize it. No master, no God, no fate—only the man, the truth he can reach and pierce, and the vitality for doing so.
Ahab blasts Starbuck with a solid page-and-a-half of passionate monologuing, giving Starbuck chances to speak but being met only with silence. What is there to say? That's a dense wall of chaotic energy, and Starbuck is the coward Ahab accuses him of being, one of the only people with a chance of talking Ahab off the warpath and not even attempting to at his final opportunity. Mirroring Starbuck's mental defeat, the wind dies down and the ship's heart sinks—predictions or warnings from without, or "verifications of the foregoing things within"—the synchronicity of personally significant concurrent events that do not share a cause—, in any case they were brief and undriving.
For with little external to constrain us, the innermost necessities in our being, these still drive us on.
Starbuck perks back up out of sheer "stubbornness of life", and none of the crew, taken in as they are by the sermon, registers the portends. Ahab passes a strong drink around the crew:
Men, ye seem the years; so brimming life is gulped and gone.
This is the opposite of the universal thump of punishment; this drink is passed around to commemorate their new common cause, to celebrate the passional and consumptive joys of life—those that aren't clutched and hoarded—, and to presage their descent into hell:
[The drink] spiralizes in ye; forks out at the serpent-snapping eye.
Unlike Satan despising the sun for reminding him of his lost glory, Ahab only takes offense that is personal and direct, although his temper and education lead him to defy the fatal inner workings of the world that shackle him by the masks that comprise the visible world by unseen clockwork: to hunt Moby Dick would be, on some level, to slay (and thereby replace) God and then use the parts for money—and not even a lot of money compared to any regular sperm whale harvest! Mad Ahab even relishes that his charisma could kill a man at full blast as he leagues the officers, strong men, who can't meet his gaze.
Ahab is an amazing character. Like, wow, Melville is channeling the full brunt of his influence from Milton here. Ahab and Satan are by far the best depictions I've seen of supernatural charisma. In one day, Ahab turned the Pequod into a death cult, and excited me in doing so. This is an extraordinarily difficult book, and it feels almost self-demonstrating in what it's doing with Moby Dick: its truths feel vast, ungraspable, submerged—you could chase them your whole life, but you couldn't force them up. It has many insights, fins jutting from the water, but what they imply is obscure and daunting; to pull them out would bring their whole massive body up with them.
At the crux of the work's knotted vision seems to be the tension between views on fate, its knowability, and its malleability: 1. Providence, which to obey is inauthentic but which to disobey is apostatic, which Ishmael regards as an arbitrary jailer; 2. Yojo's prophecies being reliable but fallible; 3. Elijah's forecast, where fate is set in stone but somewhat inscrutable; 4. Ahab's defiance of the gods, vowing to have no master in body or spirit; 5. the compulsion of inward, unconscious motives; and 6. the self-fulfillment of some prophecies where pursuing or avoiding them realizes them. The white whale itself seems to reflect each of those conceptions in its mythos.
Ahab's parallels with Satan pose big questions about what it means for man to defy or conquer God, and if the distinctions between various forms of fate matter: whether free will means following God's plan or one's inner directives, whether it affects man's redeemability (Satan was considered irredeemable), in what sense redeemability matters when you're trying to conquer God and if the soul or heaven don't exist (in which case the traditional God can't exist), whether fate is malleable and why mastering it would matter, whether you're a hypocrite for having a clean conscience killing whales while forswearing human bloodshed, how defying God dooms you to despair and when Ahab crossed the line. I'm just trying to sketch out these questions' field and let them marinate in me as I soak in the novel.
I'm hooked. This is everything I hoped it would be except accessible (lol).
submitted by paysageite to TrueLit [link] [comments]

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Part 2, they send you back to the TikTokers page and it goes around and around. They wont do anything unless it will get them in trouble, if they can get in trouble for it then they will step in. But only then.
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[Alien Ecologists] Part 02

Alien Ecologists: Part 02

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USS Missouri: The Doctor's Reinstatement

"Mr. Vincent Blandings, are you willing to see our guests again? They, and I, would like to discuss their mission, or at least your possibly helping that mission."
With gallows humor sarcasm, "Captain Bligh, you have a very odd sense of humor."
"And you have a biting one. If I were Bligh, you would already be keelhauled. Mr. Blandings, I am, and have been, doing my damnedest to keep you alive."
"With a threat of a death penalty? That's a strange way to convince me that you want me to remain alive."
"Mr. Blandings, can you repeat exactly what I said? Exactly? If you can, you may see that you misinterpreted what I said."
"Let's see; I believe the part you are referring to is: "Summary judgment, by my word, will not include the death penalty. Court-martial, by law, does." That certainly seems to be a threat of a death penalty."
"Doctor, you are already predisposed to disagree with me, so I cannot be the one to correct your apparent misinterpretation. How do you feel about Bo'sun McBride? Or our guest Mr. Little?"
"Mr. Little holds beliefs that I find objectionable. Bo'sun McBride has not expressed any such beliefs and has treated me with as much respect as is allowed. I would accept him."
"Bo'sun, your opinion on the words?"
With that little question, I got one of the biggest surprises of my life. Bo'sun McBride — Aye, Cap'n. Nay, not I, Cap'n. — speaking like a scholar.
"Mr. Blandings, with all due respect to your former position, and in consideration of your current position, I inform you that you have made a most grievous misinterpretation of both the Captain's words and his intent."
Mr. Blandings is almost as stunned as I. He misses the mark because I have known McBride for years, and never once have I heard him speak this way beyond a bit of formality when clearly stating some important matter.
"Bo'sun? Can you clarify that for me? If for no other reason than hearing gracious speech again?"
"Mr. Blandings, nothing would please me more.
"First, the Captain has been doing his desperate best to keep you alive. I suspect you hold certain beliefs that would make you anathema to the entire crew, including myself. I hope that you can adjust those beliefs.
"Second, by putting you in here, he is again attempting to keep you alive, by keeping you from breaking discipline to the point that you must be executed to maintain discipline amongst the entire crew.
"Third, by maintaining you in silence, he is again attempting to keep you alive. You are doubly at risk here, because you have no way to escape if a crewman turns against you.
"Fourth, his words were, paraphrased:
Placed ashore on a deserted island until our mission is complete. At that time, YOU may choose court-martial or to accept summary judgment, by the Captain.
"It would be YOUR choice whether to go for a court-martial or to accept his judgment. The words that you did reprise, correctly, clearly stated that if you accepted his summary judgment, you would not face the death penalty. He said:
Summary judgment, by my word, will not include the death penalty.
"He has stated explicitly that if you accept his summary judgment, you would not face the death penalty. On the other hand, if you choose a court-martial, he would be required to remand you to higher authority for impaneling of a court, during which you would legally face the death penalty.
"Have I explained to your satisfaction?"
Mr. Blandings is stunned to insensibility. Captain Young attempts to wake him up with a bit of humor.
"Mr. Blandings, if you leave your mouth hanging open like that, I'm quite certain a fly will decide to explore it."
CLOP! Mr. Blandings starts with a glare, but meeting Captain Young's impassive face, he finally thinks. Faced with the facts, his face goes thoughtful. I can see him replaying the conversation, and the look that comes on his face is one of wonder and horror.
"You all believe, in your heart of hearts, that the United States still exists, so long as any of you believe that it does."
"Yes, Mr. Blandings. The very fact that you do not is sufficient for the crew to reject you most sternly. You would be fortunate if I could get you off the ship before some accident befell you."
"And you claim that this crew is disciplined?"
"There are limits to everything, Mr. Blandings. Can you save every patient that is brought before you? No. Just so, there are things that discipline, no matter how well placed, can be overridden by. Have you considered the meaning of the name this ship bears?"
"The Missouri?"
"The USS Missouri. The United States Ship Missouri. Mr. Blandings, we operate under the Constitution of the United States, including the Bill of Rights, and certain other amendments forced upon us by the situations that we have found ourselves in. If you claim that the United States no longer exists, you strike at our very reason for being. We become no more than pirates, enforcing our privilege on the ocean waters around us. As duly sworn in members of the United States Navy, we are the defenders of this land, no matter how far it has fallen from the heights it once held. Mr. Blandings, it is beyond my comprehension how you managed to become a Ship's Doctor without being aware of that!"
"Captain? Not only have I done you an injustice, I fear I was ... placed ... on your ship for purposes that are not honorable. Admiral Parker saw to my swearing-in himself, with the understanding that I would be reporting your behavior to him at the end of this voyage. I was informed by a panel of other officers that this was a customary usage; and that telling anyone would be counted treason.
"Now, I find that you have attempted to keep me alive despite my inadvertent attempts to get myself killed, have sworn not to execute me, and hold the Constitution in a depth of regard that I have never heard before in my life. Do you say that the crew holds it in the same respect? Does any other ship hold to this belief?"
I answer with honesty, and my confusion over the present situation. "Mr. Blandings, before Admiral Parker's coup, I would have thought that at least three-quarters of the Navy held the same beliefs. Now, I am forced to believe that either I was wrong, a significant portion are dead, or that many have chosen to kneel to Parker to keep their lives. The later, I can understand if he has the majority of the ground-based military in his control. The prior? I pray is wrong. The first? I fear to have so badly misjudged people whom I thought I knew so well."
"Captain... I can only marvel at an entire crew who hold so firmly to the belief that the United States exists. They have not made light of my beliefs; I should not make light of theirs. I can at least hold my counsel on this matter until I learn more of what can motivate such men to such belief."
"Thank you, Mr. Blandings. Those matters being cleared, there is indeed the matter of your beliefs." A pause for thought, while I prepare what I'm about to say. "Mr. Blandings, I would not willingly dictate to any man's conscience. Still, I must also consider my duty to the United States, my crew, and my mission.
"If I see a straightforward advantage for the United States, I must pursue it, even if it flies in the face of your beliefs, or my orders. I am the man on the spot. I have information that higher does not, and no way to communicate it to them in a timely manner. I am expected to modify my orders in light of that information.
"Although our guests and I have yet to touch upon their plans, I believe I understand their purpose, and that they will not proceed against the direct wishes of the local government.
"At this time, and in light of the information received from Mr. Little, I believe that I may be the only true representative of that government. I would appreciate it if you would provide your opinion on that matter.
"In addition, you are an educated man, a medical man, given to using fact as a tool as much as a scalpel. I would have you listen to their plan, and provide your opinion on its feasibility, based on fact, not belief. This will no doubt require you to at least question your beliefs. I will not dictate to your conscience, but I will ask you to set it aside long enough to hear the evidence, whatever there may be.
"Can you do that for me?"
I watch as Dr. Blandings stops to think about what I have said, instead of making a snap judgment. I believe calling on him as a doctor and fellow expert may have pierced that automatic reaction, after his realization that I was trying to spare his life thinned it out. Well Done Bo'sun! I'll have to mention that too him later.
"It is something that a Traditional Gaian would find objectionable. In the extreme. To the point that Mr. Little made it clear that he would not speak of it in the presence of any such. Does that insistence still hold, Mr. Little?"
Mr. Little answers easily enough. "There is an exception, if you're willing. Mr. Grey can speak with us telepathically. It is impossible to lie in that condition; you would know instantly if he did just as he would know if you were lying. Your Captain has already confirmed this ability in both directions."
"And Bo'sun McBride?"
"Has declined for personal reasons. If you try not to think of pink elephants, what happens?"
"I see. I could give away any personal secret or even governmental secrets, merely by attempting not to think of them." Curiously, "Captain? Did you consider the potential breach of security?"
"Yes, Doctor, I did. It was necessary to discern the truth of their motives. I now request you to assist us by both communicating telepathically and perchance assisting us in furthering communication. This would make you an essential part of any further joint operations."
"Me? Aid in telepathic communication? Captain? Have you been drinking my rotgut again?"
"I'm afraid not. It would interfere with clear thinking."
"Gentlebeings, provisionally, I agree. My provision is that if I find myself unable to support your plans, you will place me on a deserted isle immediately, not just as soon as convenient. It would be far more pleasant than the brig."
I can understand his distaste but there are things he should be considering. "Yes, Mr. Blandings, it certainly would, but it carries its own hazards. You would be alone, and with no guarantee that we would ever be able to come back to get you. Enterprise is coming. Admiral Parker might be willing to pick you up, but you had better think carefully what you tell him. Tell him that aliens are here to save us, and he'll likely have you shot out of hand. Fail to tell him anything that he can use against me, and he will likely have you tortured. Even if he decides to spare you, it will only be for a time." I consider his expression, "As an aid to making up your mind, prior information suggested that the power room crew would be life convicts. If they survive, their sentence is commuted. Admiral Parker has not bothered to inform them that after one week of service, they have zero chance of survival. Consider the quality of mercy an officer has, who can do that."

USS Missouri

We finally understand their plans. Yes, they intend to restore our planet to a more normal condition, but there are consequences. To perform this miracle, they must install systems that will sequester carbon dioxide in large quantities. Done correctly, this will allow snow to fall again, which allows the polar caps to reform, which will reduce the sea level.
The change to having winter again will slam food production around the world. It won't happen immediately, but the soil that will be exposed initially will require decontamination. Salt will have poisoned it. Lower salt concentrations do not equal no salt.
To decontaminate the soil, they must create freshwater in substantial concentrations around the existing land masses to leach the salt from the soil. That will slam food production from the sea. Salt life cannot survive well, if at all, in freshwater.
To provide food to replace both sources will require tapping the plankton that the seas teem with. Yet that will have an impact too. There are many species close to extinction that depend on that very abundance for their continued existence.
Mr. Blandings, despite his misgivings, has proven an able communicator and an excellent foil for ideas. Despite his close held beliefs, I think he has come to realize that he has only two choices, deny us his services and his chance to affect what we do or contribute and use his input to try to influence what we do. He is determined that we shall not further harm Gaia, so he is ever alert for consequences. Some of which the Greys did not at first realize. At least, I don't think they did. They have been a bit duplicitous. You can lie by denying information to the one doing the communication.
I should have realized this immediately from the discussion of McBride's issues with becoming an officer. I am also beginning to think that I know why he is so emphatic about not becoming an officer, and not going to the Academy.
He has already been there. His diction, when discussing scientific matters, is so much like the instructors that I suspect he was one of them. I have held my peace. If my old friend Scott chooses to tell me the truth, I will accept it. If not, I will still have my friend Scott.
These discussions have taken much time, too much time. Enterprise is coming. The radio communications between Enterprise and the Rockies are becoming more clear on the Enterprise side. I have tried repeatedly, using Mr. Little's radio, to establish my bona fides with the Rockies. They are refusing all communications. We can hear Admiral Parker ordering them to ignore my calls.
I know we are getting through because there are frequent replacements of radio operators. They must be incarcerating them. At least, I hope they are. I may be causing the deaths of many fine men, but someone must listen.
Finally, I cease communications. Triangulation between Mr. Little's radio, and another which can pick up the Enterprise's transmissions, but not reach them due to lack of power, shows that the Enterprise is close to the Eastern Islands.
I must go forth and do battle, if not physically, then for the minds and hearts of the men on that ship. Admiral Parker must not be allowed to succeed, even at the cost of a mutiny.
I never thought I would think that a mutiny would be justified, but how else do you replace a commander who is ignoring well-known regulations, sentencing men to a horrible death, and ignoring the Constitution in a grab for personal power?
You can only fight him; however you must.
We have, at least, gained two months. The Greys still need another month, time to buy that month for them.

USS Missouri: Approaching USS Enterprise: United States Ocean

Name USS Enterprise (CVN-80)
Class: Gerald R. Ford
Design: Nuclear Powered Carrier
Crew (Nominal) 4660
Crew (Skeleton) 400
Crew (Actual) ~100[1]
Crew (Reactor) ~200[2]
Arms ?? Cannon
Aircraft 3 Two-Man Gliders
  1. Crew (Actual): The actual crew numbers were never known. The number presented here is approximate, reconstructed from Rock House Naval Records of missing sailors, but does not match the recollection of the surviving crew, which places the number close on fifty.
  2. Crew (Reactor): The reactor crew were the survivors of loading the refurbished fuel elements into the reactor, most died from radiation poisoning on the way to the Eastern Islands. By the best available reports there were less than 25 left, and many of those were already showing signs of radiation poisoning. None survived.
I understand now why they have been so delayed. The Enterprise is a deep watercraft. She is not suited to this ocean. From the color of the water in her wake, she is gouging a trench through the soil of the sunken land. You can see that impacts distort the bow. I cannot help but think that they have sustained flooding damage. I am also surprised by the degree of rust and damage to the hull, which has also sustained additional damage in the form of long diagonal ripples that slope with the direction of travel. This is foolish. The ship, for all that she is a beloved relic of the time before the Flood Wars, is unsafe. Not just for the power crews, but for every man aboard. Admiral Parker is delusional if he thinks that this hulk can grant him the power he desires so ardently.
We have made a sweep around her stern, coming up on her port side, on a roughly easterly heading. Reduced making way, as it appears that Enterprise is aground again.
"Ahoy Enterprise! This is Missouri!"
A strangely metallic voice responds, but the nasal whining sound still comes through.
"There is no Missouri on our rolls. You are a pirate."
"Admiral Parker! How wonderful to hear your voice, sir! May I ask who is in charge on the Rockies?"
"That is not your concern, Pirate."
"I should say it is my concern since my next port of call is on the Rockies. Are you certain that whomever you have left behind remains loyal?"
"They are loyal. They know what will happen to them if they are not."
"Rule by fear? That is a poor response. What of the Constitution? Everyone here is sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic."
"The United States is dead. This is the Empire of the Rockies."
"Empire? The United States of America is greater than any Empire. How came you to power Admiral Parker? What happened to President Davis, or any of the other leaders who would follow him in the event of mischance? How did you, an officer nearly cashiered for the murders you have authorized, become the leader of the United States of America?"
"It is the Manifest Destiny of the Rockies to become the rulers of the world!"
"Manifest Destiny? Isn't that the phrase that Hitler used to justify what he did?
"You see? He is a pirate. He incites mutiny."
"Launch the fighters!"
Three craft are violently thrust over the bow of the Enterprise, gliders, rising on the thermals over the warm water, each of them piloted by two men, with what looks like two packages. Bombs?
"BATTLE STATIONS! Bo'sun! Stand By for Evasion! Helmsman! Steer North East!"
"Captain, you don't truly expect to stop a ship that size, do you?"
"Doctor, depending on how stupid Parker is, we may not have to. She's aground right now. If he should attempt to turn her, he may well rip the bottom out of her."
"And her crew?"
"We will rescue all those we can. He must be stopped; whether or not the Greys were here, he must be stopped."
"The reactor, Captain?"
"I know. Doctor, it is a choice of evils. We may stop her here, and her containment may restrain the radiation. We may not stop her here, and she may well sink in deeper water, releasing more radiation, or perhaps falling into a trench and releasing little, if any.
Had I any hope of doing so, I would lead her a merry chase across the Pacific to the Marianas Trench, hoping to sink her in that deepest of places. Doctor, we are not stocked for a voyage of that duration, and the Pacific is a vast span with no chance for resupply since the Flood."
"I see. I see indeed. Here, in this shallow ocean, we may hope to contain the radiation, the damage, and perhaps even find a way to clean the radiation before it does much damage. What then of the gliders?"
"In every great sea battle between ships of the same design as our Missouri, no ship has ever been sunk directly by enemy action. It has always been fire or mischance that detonated the magazine."
"Captain, may I remind you of Greek Fire?"
"I'd rather you didn't, Doctor. I'm already counting on those pilots being inexperienced."
"The first one is lining up on us."
"I see, Doctor.
We must keep the wind largely behind us, only with that advantage can we hope to serpentine our way out from under them. I must do my best to judge their approach. Will they adjust for a turn? Or will they continue straight?
Bo'sun McBride is excellent at planning sail adjustments. We almost need not have evaded at all. The device drops well off the starboard side, far more than our evasive maneuver can explain. There is no explosion. Either a dud or Greek fire, which will not activate if it does not hit anything substantial enough to break the case.
"Well, Doctor? Bomb or Fire?"
"As you have already deduced, Captain, we do not know."
Watching the next one lining up, a total of six bombs to evade, one down, five to go. This one is smarter; he knows we must go straight or evade starboard, but not by how much.
YES! He's adjusting for the 15, now...
Ha! Caught him sleeping! His violent maneuver to try and strike us has plunged him into a side slip. The release of the bomb is much more violent, striking the ocean at an oblique angle. It shatters, and there is fire upon the deeps. Now we know. The pilot does not recover in time, and the craft is lost in the ocean.
"Helmsman, stand by for a tacking course to bring us back around behind the Enterprise."
"Signalman, show the red cross."
"Captain, do you think they'll respect that?"
"Parker? Not a chance, Doctor. The pilots? Maybe, we're picking up their own. Honestly, Doctor? This is another hearts and minds move. We are doing something that every good sailor should, making pickup on a distressed sailor. We do not leave our own behind.
Look for yourself, what are the pilots doing?"
"So, have we won their hearts and minds?"
"I think so."
"Perhaps. We shall see what they do when Parker orders them to continue the attack."
"Red Flares From Enterprise!"
"And there he has. Parker has ordered his pilots to attack a ship engaged in a rescue operation. What are the pilots doing?"
"Still circling, but there are flashes of light between them."
"They're talking it over, Morse code with mirrors. It's quite a skill when you are flying. Even when you're in a two-seater, which those are, it's tricky to keep the sun and mirror aligned with your target."
"No, lookout, not a miss, just not aimed at us. It amazes me just how STUPID a man can get."
We close on the downed craft, the body of the pilot is seen, torn in half by a shell. The second pilot is not seen. The crew is in an ugly mood and I with them.
"Signalman, replace first string, Oscar, Two, Delta."
There is an audible growl from the Enterprise, despite the distance.
Man overboard, two dead.
"Second String, Uniform, code flag, first sub."
Silence from Enterprise, another growl from our crew.
You are sailing into danger, admiral.
Their response, another cannon barrage. Not that it does any good, we maneuver too swiftly. I suspect that the firing crews are being deliberately inaccurate.
"Signalman, strike all other signals, hoist the stars and bars."
"Captain?!?" The signalman's startlement is understandable.
"Do it."
The stars and bars, only hoisted when we go into combat; otherwise, we fly the pennant. I do not wish to do this. Not only is she the USS Enterprise, the greatest ship left to us from before the Flood Wars, but she is crewed by our own.
A cheer from our crew, quickly silenced by Bo'sun. Reminding them that we are about to commence war upon our own. However badly lead, they are our own.

Attack Aircraft: USS Enterprise


USS Missouri: Coming About For Attack Run

"Captain! The pilots! They've decided!"
"Ah, that will not take them to attack us. Surely they do not intend to ..."
The first bomb is released, most of the Enterprise deck crew has already cleared the deck. The bomb strikes the conning tower. Fire splashes across it, some falling to the deck. No crew are injured, and fire crews go out to deal with the Greek Fire. A tricky proposition, sand to absorb it, and shovels to throw it over the side, still flaming. Ah, wheelbarrows, an improvement and essential on a craft the size of Enterprise.
The pilots withhold their attack while the fire crews are on deck. No fire crews are working on the conning tower. The crew is making their own opinion known regarding Admiral Parker. Several large ports below the flight deck are opening, but what comes out is a large crude flag on a weighted rope? The symbol is not from the standard set.
"I see it, but I don't understand it."
"Yes, Bo'sun?"
"It's the warning sign for radiation. They're telling you where the reactor is."
"It's... Captain, it's true. Please, just accept it."
"Alright, Scott."
"Thank you, John."
I stare at him, for all our friendship, I do not believe he ever knew my Christian name. The years roll back, a friend of my father's, an instructor at the academy, one with a controversial theory — one on how the Enterprise might be reborn.
"Aye, Cap'n. Aye. 'Twas my fault in the first place."
"No, it was the fault of a madman. You would never have countenanced the murder of thousands for the vainglory of one man."
"No, I would not. Neither did I do anything to stop it."
"Scott, we need to concentrate on now, not then, can you do that for me?"
"Aye, Cap'n. That I can."
"Doctor, does it involve the present mission?"
"Indirectly, if I understood that conversation, McBride may be the only person on board who knows how to deal with the heart of the ship."
"...Possibly... We'll consider that later."
I retake the hailer, it is not as powerful as Enterprise, but that is because it is my own lungs.
"You See! He is a Pirate! Firing on a ship of the Empire of the Rockies!"
"The USS Missouri is a ship the United States of America. We have a sworn oath to defend the United States against all enemies. Parker, by his own usurpation of authority, is self-convicted of treason. Any aid given to Parker, or anyone who follows Parker, is aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States in time of War. Treason, and will be treated as such. Put down your arms, and abandon ship. The Enterprise will be sunk in these waters. Put down your arms and abandon ship!"
"Bo'sun! Aimed Fire! Avoid the reactor!"
"Aye, Cap'n! Gunnery Sergeants! Aimed Fire! Do not shoot into purple trefoil!" I can see McBride explaining what he means to the Gunnery Sergeants. They are initially confused but finally understand. Shots going home in that area are a hazard to everyone for many years to come. I think he just impresses upon them that it would be terrible for everyone if a shot goes home. Since the starboard guns will see action first, he accompanies the Gunnery Sergeant to assist aiming. He knows we want to flood her broadly, not punch a single hole deep.

USS Missouri : First Pass

As Missouri comes about on the windward run, her starboard guns fire first, aiming at the waterline or just below it. Perfectly timed fire is not possible, the slow matches inaccuracy does not allow for it. Still, the gunners are good at estimating, and the shots seem to roll off in perfect sequence. To my surprise, the majority of the shots succeed in penetrating. The hull truly is rusted well beyond safety. Our shot should bounce off! Those which do not penetrate are dropped into the ocean. The rusty metal having absorbed their energy.
Any naval officer worth the powder to blow him out of a cannon would have known that this ship was not seaworthy in any sense.

USS Enterprise

"Admiral Parker! Admiral Parker! Heavy flooding to port! The pumps can't keep up!"
"Put the men on the manual pumps!"
"With respect, Sir, there aren't enough men for that! We must counter flood to keep the ship level!"
"COWARD!" bang! The young officer, with a startled look on his face, collapses to the deck of the bridge. The remaining seamen bolt for the exits. It is fortunate for them that Admiral Parker prefers muzzleloaders for the look of the thing. Before he can reload, they are gone.
"They're all cowards. I'll show them how you do it." Parker leaves the bridge, the cooling body of the young officer left behind, all his hopes and fears answered with a single shot by a madman.

USS Missouri: Coming About: Second Pass

There's time, she isn't going anywhere. Being already aground and now listing, there's no way she can maneuver at all. All but the chasers are useless now, and they are impossible to reload. As we beat upwind along the port side, we can see mean scrambling down ropes as others lower or toss anything that will float. We come past her stern and continue on. Gaining room to maneuver for our firing pass.
There's still time. We need to flood her starboard side to even her out. It is no plan of mine for her to roll and trap good men below decks as she floods.
"She's listing to port, starboard side is showing her keel. Captain? Something's making her keel glow like molten metal!"
Bo'sun McBride's voice is filled with concern. "Cap'n! Core Meltdown! Fire into the reactor! We must breach the room and flood it before it goes any further!"
"McBride is your expert for this. My only suggestion is that we steer clear of the steam, it will be decidedly unhealthy for us."
The reactor flag is far forward of our current position, but not for long.

USS Enterprise : Reactor Control Room

The Old Enterprise (CVN-65) had 8 reactors. This, the CVN-80 has two; only the forward one is fueled.
"You heard me convict! Withdraw all the moderating rods and shut down the cooling!"
"I heard the Missouri. We're already dead. You can't do anything to us but shorten our pain. Well, I've had enough of you, so I'll just throw YOU into the reactor. I'll be happy to see you running blood at both ends and dying in agony like my mates."
bang! In the confines of the control room, the shot is startlingly loud. The Admiral is swarmed by the remaining men. Despite the list of the ship, they carry him forward into the reactor room. The shielding on top has been completely removed, and the room is already flooded with lethal radiation.
Screaming curses and orders, Admiral Parker is unceremoniously thrown into the top of the reactor. The blue Cherenkov glow is already far brighter than it should be. When Parker is thrown in, several more controls are damaged. With all the ham-handed mistakes made during the refueling, mostly on Parker's orders, it is no longer possible for the automatic systems to drive home the control rods. The ship is headed for meltdown.
"Eh, Chief? That glow, that's lots stronger than before. Have we done what he wanted anyway?"
"Dunno, let's try the shutdown, if she don't work, we'll go for the emergency flood."

USS Missouri: Coming Up to Stern, Starboard Side

As she closes, the red hot plates seen earlier suddenly darken. A great cracking sound is heard reverberating through the entire hull.
The earlier damage was much more severe than thought. The steam pressure blows open hatches not correctly secured, allowing higher flow into the starboard compartments. The Enterprise quickly counter floods on her own, rolling back level, settling down by the stern some 15 degrees. From the speed of movement, she must have been on the tipping point to level. As she settles hard, a steam blast comes out the top of the ship from a dozen different vents.
The sudden movement throws a wave at the Missouri. Only the quick order to turn away saves the ship from being hammered. By the time the wave reaches the Missouri, she's in deeper water, already showing her heels and rides the swell smoothly.
"Signalman, strike all flags. Raise the pennant and the red cross."
While the original crew of the Enterprise would never have fit in the Missouri, her last crew was less than a skeleton crew. Missouri can pick them all up. The pilots drop their few remaining bombs well away from the Enterprise, and ditch close to the Enterprise. They are picked up with the other crew.

USS Missouri

The ship is crowded, but for all that an odd mixture of jubilant and sad. Surviving is usually a cause for joy, but the loss of even a few shipmates can hit hard. The fact that they were lost as part of a madman's schemes hurts worse. As important as the people are, and were, the loss of the last of the great carriers hurts worst of all. A symbol of what was, a hope of what might be again, lost forever.
The Missouri makes for the Eastern Islands, and for the aliens.

Eastern Islands: Mitchell Island

On short rations for a short time, the USS Missouri makes land at Mitchell Island, the tallest island in the chain. Mitchell was terraced early on, to increase growing land. There are substantial structures out into the waters, as she supports a fishing fleet as well. The activities of a soil dredge are still seen, producing more topsoil from that on the bottom of the sea in the area. Cleaning the soil of salt takes much freshwater. Providing that freshwater is a series of floating barges covered with every bit of transparent material that they have, which also traps the water that evaporates from the seawater allowed into the barge. The level of activity around this island is far greater than anyone on the Rockies had ever suspected.
"Well, Doctor? Do you still claim there's nothing of value in the Eastern Islands?"
"Hardly! Such industry should be recognized!"
"Doctor, had it been, it might well have been stripped from these hard-working folk, in the interests of national security. In my youth, I sailed this way on my midshipman voyage, my captain made it clear that we were to say nothing of this industry. Even then, people thought as you did, that the Eastern Islands were nothing. So, we reported, people surviving well, but nothing about the industry with which they did so. Can you guess why, Doctor?"
"It's not just to spare them. It certainly isn't to deny the Rockies the industry, as we do have sufficient of our own... My Dear Gaia... You were preparing for a disaster in the Rockies!"
"Disaster is always possible, Doctor. The wise commander allows for it, plans for it, and, if necessary, keeps his plans secret even from command, when command may be so short-sighted that they see no reason to plan for disaster.
Now, the situation in the Rockies is uncertain, and we have a reasonably secure base here to rebuild from. You understand now?"
"You are sworn to the Constitution, not to the President, or the Chief of Naval Operations, but to the Constitution of the United States. You will see the restoration of the United States no matter what the cost is. Had you been discovered, it would have been counted treason."
"Yes. And yet we did it anyway. Do you know who my Captain was on my midshipman voyage?"
"There are so many it could be, but... Admiral Jackson."
"Indeed, so. It was in the plans between Jackson and Davis to expand our presence here in the Eastern Islands, throwing whatever resources could be spared into the project. It would have created a second pole of power, reducing the importance of the Rockies. No longer would power be so centralized that a single man might bring disaster on us all. As Parker nearly did. Now that we have returned to Mitchell, we may be able to reestablish communications with the Rockies. I only hope that the loyal members of our society have chosen to stand against the mutineers and restored our government again."
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scientific hazard symbols and their meanings video

Hazard Symbols - YouTube PSYCHOSOCIAL HAZARD Play It Safe: Tips For Toy Safety Lab Safety - PowerPoint - Tangstar Science - YouTube Warning Signs in the Laboratory - Studi Chemistry - YouTube Safety signs - YouTube Educate Yourself With These Safety Symbols and Meanings ... The COSHH symbols and their meanings - YouTube Hazard Symbols and meaning in just 3 Minutes - YouTube ISO Symbols for Safety Signs and Labels - YouTube

The GHS system, part of OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), consists of nine symbols, or pictograms, providing recognition of the hazards associated with certain substances. Use of eight of the nine are mandatory in the U.S., the exception being the environmental pictogram (see below). Acute toxicity (Symbol: skull and crossbones) Hazardous to the environment (Symbol: environment) Health hazard/Hazardous to the ozone layer (Symbol: exclamation mark) Serious health hazard (Symbol:... Explosive Material Hazard; Flammable Material; Toxic Material; Non-Ionising Radiation; Ionising Radiation; Low Temperature; UV Light Hazard; Oxidising Material; Laser Beam Hazard; Optical Radiation Hazard; General Warning. At a glance: This is one of the most common signs you’re likely to see in a lab. The symbol denotes a General Warning and acts as a broad reminder that the area you’re working in is likely to contain hazards and risks and you should work accordingly. You’re likely to ... Hazard symbols are designed to provide a warning, even if a person cannot understand the writing that goes with them. Some of the new international hazard symbols and their meanings previous Orange or red. Square or diamond. They are hazard symbols given to chemicals and substances that are hazardous to health. Both CHIP and the CLP Regulations ensure that the hazards are clearly communicated to workers and consumers. On packaging, labelling and datasheets. Both sets of COSHH symbols were around together for a while. However, the orange symbols have been gradually phased out over the last decade. The red diamond symbols officially replaced the orange symbols on the ... Hazard Symbols and Meanings 1 Compressed Gas 2 Keep Away from Food 3 Poison 4 Irritant 5 Corrosive 6 Oxidizing 7 Highly Flammable 8 High Voltage 9 Highly Explosive 10 Health Hazard 11 Toxic to Aquatic Organisms "Hazard symbols or warning symbols are recognisable symbols designed to warn about hazardous materials, locations, or objects, including electric currents, poisons, and radioactivity. The use of hazard symbols is often regulated by law and directed by standards organisations. Hazard Symbols Science - Hazard Symbols - Hazard Symbols Match - Hazard symbols - Hazard Symbols - Hazard Symbols - Hazard symbols match up - Hazard symbols Exhaustive List of Mathematical Symbols and Their Meaning. Finding it difficult to recollect the exact meaning of a notation while solving mathematical equations? Don't worry, ScienceStruck is here to help you out. Here's a list of mathematical symbols and their meaning, for your reference. Hazard Symbols 20. General Warning. The general warning lab safety symbol consists of a black exclamation point in a yellow triangle. As you’d expect, it is a general warning to laboratory staff that a hazard exists. This symbol can be found on equipment, doorways, cupboards or other areas of the lab. It provides a good reminder to work safely and check if you are not sure of the safety procedures for certain equipment or areas in the lab.

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Hazard Symbols - YouTube

#pharmadigest #Pharmatorials ☠☢☢ Hazard symbols and meaning in just 3 Minutes 📖 📖 👉 In this video, we will learn about various Symbols used for hazard and... When parents purchase toys for their children, they trust that the products have been rigorously tested to meet safety standards. ... Hazard Symbols and meaning in just 3 Minutes - Duration ... Ninja Nerd Science Recommended for you. ... Chemical Safety and Hazard Communication ... The COSHH symbols and their meanings - Duration: 2:07. iHASCO Recommended for you. 2:07. Chemical Hazards ... Clarion Safety Systems is in a unique position to supply product manufacturers, workplaces and public areas with the most up-to-date, standards-compliant saf... the above link to purchase this product and other resources for this topic... The GHS and CLP regulations use various symbols to identify the hazards that are posed by different chemicals, these are:Explosive - which confirms the conta... Safety and/or health sign – a sign providing information or instruction about. safety or health at work by means of a signboard, a colour, an illuminated sig... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Can you identify the safety symbols placed around universities, office buildings, theaters, and other public places? This video will help you understand the ... ExplosiveUnstable explosive.ReplacesFlammableFlammable gas, liquid or solid. Catches fire easily.OxidisingProvides oxygen, can cause fire or explosion.Compre...

scientific hazard symbols and their meanings

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